Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How to change the modes of thinking

Albert Einstein says,
“The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.”

So, I believe “we have to turn around and  move the opposite direction of thinking "love & compassion”=the basement of "moral"

Actually, things depend on “the amount of emotion and good will” of individuals.
Those are invisible, but can really defend from the Evils.
In case of Hiroshima, even on the strongest TOPOS(地勢) and the language, took 7 years or more to know the reality. 

I believe that  if we all human beings communicate from bottom of moral with enough compassion and imagination,we don’t need “weapons” globally soon or later.

 “Good will”, “Width of seeing things”, “Thinking styles”, and “Each persons’ specific knowledge in each individual’s fields", along with moral will make our world into much better and safer place.

 In 1776, the Founding Fathers(Papa) established the country "United States".

So Next Phase will be,
A Founding (moral basement) & Fathers(Japan,US & other countries's moral leaders) have to establish the "Peace World" for the humankind, living species on this one planet by  sharing the same ground, the Earth.

Languages can’t control nature nor even our own descendants (DNA)..
All lives are given by the nature powers..
We are one of many species living on this earth, that have huge imagination capacities with languages, however, those languages come from the ground first.
'Change' might start from the bottom like in  first now on again.
And this may expand to other countries gradually.

In 1991 & 1992, at NPT & Disarmament conferences held in Hiroshima,  a couple of things happened just in front of my eye-sight...& those seemed to influence deeply to the conditions of nuke structures world widely today....

TPNW  enters into force and must become one of the pillars for our moving to the world without nuclear weapons.

When you imagine  what  hibakusha  experienced, facing unimaginable explosion & being survived after as a human being, you understand they were inevitably with max emotion & significantly experienced what Jung said "synchronicity" occurred everywhere in a very limited area with huge energy & emotions. In  addition to that, you might  notice human's emotional flows are parallel to energy flow of  underground magma of our planet. 

As same as the impact of covid-19, 
nuke disaster's influences and risks are also for all of us, 
and probably far much more serious....
For every each individuals on  this same ground, ,
percentage of becoming casualties is much larger .... (nuclear victims forum )

So, the TPNW  will become more important for everyone wherever on this one planet, the Earth.

Considering why we human beings use languages is because of firstly being accepted by Mother, (without crying nor any voices directly cause death 'species' is 'us'), this treaty is written from the casualties and humanity side (crying voices sidefor the first time in Nuke history, so that  has a deep meaning. 

Surely we, humankind need "listening and compassion side"
Going through terrible hardship although, nobody care nor listen to their crying voices, people gradually lose their humanity. 
Listening side makes human as human like, and is absolutely necessary.

Naturally we reach the stopper in the middle(center) before the whole destroy. (DNAs of MOMO)
Every living things evolved for billions years & we are the same.
May languages cause contradictions in our imagination.
But never changed truth is, "Planets first & human after comes.(Not human first & the planet after comes...)"

And TPNW treaty's "words" have supports from natural power from the underground of our planet the Earth.
The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice (Martin L. King)

In the same year of FUKUSHIMA 311 in 2011, my family members & I went Kumamoto(熊本)in May.
At the same places, Kumamoto(熊本)Earthquake occurred on April 14, 2016.

When A-bomb dropped, bombing fire stopped at FUKUSHIMA-cho according to Hamada-san's story, so the name Fukushima has a power of stopping huge fire in Fukushima river
Their stories have significant meanings of each individuals under the huge fire,
and TOPOS 地勢 balancing...

God did not play dice with the universe.
The Lord is not capricious in his actions.

And almost all  of them(hibakusha) talk how important WATER is.

Probably in Japan, underground power(地勢TOPOS) of  Mt.Fuji(富士) is the strongest  & divided into other mountains.
May be Mt.Aso(阿蘇) is in the middle.
Then parallel to human languages and emotion.
 Izumo(出雲)might be the highest name of TOPOS(地勢)inviting the imagination of Japanese(日本の) Kamigami(神々:in Japanese, Up is Kami神 Down is Kame亀 & not one God, 神々 are Gods & Godess).

And Sound “Kame亀” invites "RA" sound…becomes “KAME-RAcamera”, and in RA sound, many mixed-up things would absorbed UNDER the ground….

and ME(芽・bud) again will appear out of the ground……

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Men in Grey灰色の男たちin MOMO

Very soon, Beppo realized that
 ‘the army of “men in greyfigures’ had eyes for no one but the three men UP in tribunal.
Either they had failed to notice him(bottom) at all
(men in grey's tendency is only seeing UP, they hardly see DOWN)

Then the silence was broken by a voice from the judges’ bench.
"The Supreme Court is now in session,” announced the central figure.
’Call Agent No.BLW/533/c!’

Came one of “men in grey”, distinguishable from his fellows only by the pallor of his face, which was almost white.
(In men in grey's society, rather "white" than "black", who slightly having more light than others, will be targeted and bullied, then whole men in grey society become much more "darker")

“Are you aware that a substantial number of children paraded through the streets today?”
How do you account for the fact that these children knew about us and our activities?”

“Yes. But if I may venture a personal observation, however, I would urge the Supreme Court not to take this incident more seriously than it deserves. It was a piece of childish nonsense..”

Children!” declared the judge,
“Are our natural Enemies!  Adults are far easier to control and turn into time-savers.”

Results are all that count here, and the result of your unauthorized action has been to gain us no time and acquaint a child with some of our most vital secrets. Do you admit that?”

 “Mercy, mercy!” he shrieked.

And then a very strange things happened.
No sooner had the condemned man lost his cigar than he started to become more and more transparent.
His scream grew fainter, too, as he stood their head with his hands, dissolving into thin air.
The last that could been seen of him was a little flurry of ash eddying in the breeze, but that soon vanished too.

Silently “the men in grey” dispersed.
Once the darkness had swallowed them up, the sole reminder of their presence was a chill, grey wind that swirled around the dismal and deserved garbage dump.

いったいどうなっている・いくのか? Actually, what is happening?

 MOMO’s Power is listening power.
Accepting every human’s mind.
Usually people rarely notice.
And “the men in greycan never attack her.
(One big reason is amount of lights. Another is  "men in grey" can never see "DOWN or BOTTOM" as it is, or "BOTTOM is important", so that their target distance never be reached till  "MOMO/TORTOISE" )

So until now, top(Up) is important for deciding things,
"the men in grey's consciousness(=solid thinking ways)" is "clinging up, cutting bottoms", & "losing balance".

竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden

From now on, relating consciousness at bottom, even under the languages may become more important contradictory.
Because throughout long history and before it, we are related at the bottom on the same ground of this one planet.
And now we are related & connected by “net” technologies globally

Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

link) Due to the ground that becomes & will be solid & stable after 福島Fukushima's several explosions  &  subsequently continued eruptions & earthquakes like, 伊予灘地震2014.3.14広島土砂災害2014.8.20御嶽山噴火2014.9.27, 熊本地震2016.4.14~.., floods西日本豪雨2018.7.7~、北海道肝震東部地震2018.9.6~九州~全国豪雨2020.7.4~福島・宮城地震 2021.2.14~、阿蘇噴火2021.10.20. even those are caused by nature powers

Why Japan(日本) is called ‘the Land of Rising Sun

Volcanic Activities relate
Edo & Paris in 1770s
The imagination of name “The Land of Rising Sun”, brings us that TOPOS(地勢)is very powerful.
And so it is true, that is the cause many nuke things happen in this country, Japan(日本), I think.

Next Powerful country of TOPOS(地勢)is perhaps US. 
And considering the numbers of active volcanoes, especially Hawaii.

So two these countries, fighting against each other  and later, will have reconciliation. That is actually the destiny and relations(縁EN) .
And these two countries’ reconciliation from the bottom ground might bring the whole world of our  Planet the Earth into "PEACE".

There must be UP and Downs, but those are natural waves, and  the power of energy and emotion from underground.
And those powers influence many names of places, sounds of words and languages of people.

That is probably the reason why Japan has the top literature move rising in 10 century, Genji-Story(源氏物語,)Taketori-Story(竹取ものがたり),Makurano-soshi(枕の草子) , Ochikubo Story(落窪ものがたり) or Urashima(うらしまたろう)and so on.
Taketori Monogatari
The Story of Cutting Upper Evils

The names and sounds are tiny parts of huge power of underground.
So the sounds and letters of names are actually very important.
Some already know that power and may be used as strategies for taking lands. 
But can't be used them as strategies for fighting or cut people any more, 
because we are now