Monday, June 29, 2020

Quite amount of lights(a tortoise) has no names, or just MOMO

Because “having names” means to divide ideas or lands and to take its own,
(during his-stories, the humankind kept doing...).
However, Momo doesn’t have to do such things.  
Wherever she is, those are her home(the center)….
And the reason why the men in grey can't attack MOMO is,
perhaps the same reason why the human kind can't destroy the Earth.
(The planets' cycling balances create all living things through billions years &  human beings are one of them, so that we can't control the planets, but "by using languages in order to observe all things as objects  even for the planets" makes us (crying existence)  think many things contradictory.)
Except MOMO, nobody can't take the center deepest sound of the lands of the languages and notes, probably.

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