Wednesday, February 5, 2020

link) Due to the ground that becomes & will be solid & stable after 福島Fukushima's several explosions  &  subsequently continued eruptions & earthquakes like, 伊予灘地震2014.3.14広島土砂災害2014.8.20御嶽山噴火2014.9.27, 熊本地震2016.4.14~.., floods西日本豪雨2018.7.7~、北海道肝震東部地震2018.9.6~九州~全国豪雨2020.7.4~福島・宮城地震 2021.2.14~、阿蘇噴火2021.10.20. even those are caused by nature powers

Why Japan(日本) is called ‘the Land of Rising Sun

Volcanic Activities relate
Edo & Paris in 1770s
The imagination of name “The Land of Rising Sun”, brings us that TOPOS(地勢)is very powerful.
And so it is true, that is the cause many nuke things happen in this country, Japan(日本), I think.

Next Powerful country of TOPOS(地勢)is perhaps US. 
And considering the numbers of active volcanoes, especially Hawaii.

So two these countries, fighting against each other  and later, will have reconciliation. That is actually the destiny and relations(縁EN) .
And these two countries’ reconciliation from the bottom ground might bring the whole world of our  Planet the Earth into "PEACE".

There must be UP and Downs, but those are natural waves, and  the power of energy and emotion from underground.
And those powers influence many names of places, sounds of words and languages of people.

That is probably the reason why Japan has the top literature move rising in 10 century, Genji-Story(源氏物語,)Taketori-Story(竹取ものがたり),Makurano-soshi(枕の草子) , Ochikubo Story(落窪ものがたり) or Urashima(うらしまたろう)and so on.
Taketori Monogatari
The Story of Cutting Upper Evils

The names and sounds are tiny parts of huge power of underground.
So the sounds and letters of names are actually very important.
Some already know that power and may be used as strategies for taking lands. 
But can't be used them as strategies for fighting or cut people any more, 
because we are now

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