Monday, April 13, 2020

「ミッション・インポッシブル」を理解するTo understand mission impossible

The humankind can't achieve every target to the final goal.
In every matter, finally we end up to rely on the nature power.


   "just words..."
  "There are many words and thoughts that are flying around."
  "Like jewels of different colors.." 
"The lights..many words and thoughts .they are gone..."
"Everything must be balanced."     Many Lives, Many Mastersより

To check out the stories under the mushroom cloud one by one carefully, you can find out they are not those who were well defended against weapons for surviving, but they are having full compassion and really good at writing in sophisticated styles of sentences like literature, you will be surprised at . Such kind of talent & moral of individuals may sure save their lives & give lives to those who are dead on the same ground. Because  telling their stories  is quite necessary for them to all others those who live on the same ground of this one planet, you will be soon persuaded..

History probably started from the Middle East due to the sharp tendency of  languages there.

But for the first time, this time change will start from new lands.
Japan & US, those his-stories should be surveyed in parallel, especially in 1500s (Finding New Land & Just before closing Land) & 1860s of Meiji Restoration (Opening Land) & Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation(the first Black Lives Matter), because newer the lands, stronger the language powers from under ground.  

Modern science found out that our species all roots of DNA origins to African continent.
The stories are rather sad than happier like "roots", however, we all have to follow the same "roots" of our origin before becoming total destroyer of our planet.
We now have to change the ways how to see things with imagination power and full of compassion than to treat everything as objects.

All our words, thoughts & languages were connected throughout history,
and in results, 
we are surrounded by many tools and instruments made by languages,
that means we are connected and related throughout his-stories...
from the top.

the first A-bomb against humanity was exploded..

And that would be the soil of the center ground..for turning around of all humanity.

And that would be the soil where people would survive and start their own stories one by one..

And later their stories(lights) would be again centered, 
and would be provided with all people through optical technologies in global.

For example, if even one low yield nuke bomb used in the conflict between India & Pakistan,
The disaster size would become more than Hiroshima.

Japan locates on the strongest land & language TOPOS(地勢).

That is the reason why hibakusha could tell their own testimonies by themselves and could have audience who would listen to with deep compassion.
Less than such land power can’t afford to accept casualties’ voices & emotion. 

So it could never be happened (even if you really want to use..).

To consider the nature of “humanity(crying existence)”. 
No one can use such bombs which cause more than Hiroshima size disaster.

According to the power of the ground where languages come from.  
The Earth is not the object for destroy.
The Earth is our Mother ground where we & our all languages come from

Primitive people and motherhood know the relation between words, thoughts and the ground power better than us living modern days.

Like as same as plants can't survive without  lights,
The humankind can't survive without  lights who will accept,fully listen to
& put power into.


戦争期(War Time)=history期=上昇・父性化、がある間下を切れる 
the humankind can't control everything(Nature),

金回りmoney & 効率優先efficiency only top priority?」するあまり、
平和期(Peace Time)=母性化「ひとり・ひとり」が大事、
                                           "each individual humanity" is the basement
Ueda-san’s story (hibakusha)is the most impressive in terms of “motherhood-love & compassion that is the basement of moral
         I think very beginning of 'turn-around' or 'change' was there.


Originally "sounds of words, thoughts & languages(lights)" come from the ground.
But media industries today often use  "sensationalism" to earn money with finance industries.
That is the same way as "time saving" in Momo.
And that is the way to take  lights  from people.
But actually there is limitation by taking lights by using words through sensationalism.
Because lights of languages originally come from the ground.. firstly belonged to individuals..
And the men in grey will be running out of lights & to lose balance

特に全体(in Global)で、
上昇のみのシステムOnly one way Up System」は、下(地)からの、言語languagesの「音sound」を形成してきた共鳴波動「地波動」との脈(の通りresonance wave from the Earth)が切れて崩壊する。
will collapse.
will be cut because their ways of thinking are not embedded into the ground,
When they become not be able to  take lights from using words,
the men in grey will lose relations from the ground.

「放射線測定値」以前に考慮すべきshould be considered「大きな問題a big issue」

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