Monday, March 12, 2018

 "Resonance of En" 




Sounds of resonance of languages and human's ability of sympathy come from cycling rhythms of our planet the Earth and other 4 planets, the moon and the Sun,  recently some scientists found out.

ですから、最近は「エンとの共鳴(Resonance of EN)」という言葉が、文字通り心ある科学者の中から出始めています。
So recently now, that is called the "Resonance of EN(エン)" in the scientific field.


 Ueda-san's Mother Gost appeared  in 1945.10.10.
  means after the appearance of A-bomb,
 "motherhood=moral(love & compassion)" becomes much more important, by taking her story & I think her story is the very beginning of 'turnning around'.

The scientific story of an atom against humanity occurred 580m above the ground in Hiroshima (1945.8.6)
Ueda-san's story occurred on the same day on the same ground under the explosion.
She met Dr.Shima in aid in Fukuro-machi, whose hospital is almost at h.c., & encouraged by him.
Dr.Hida met an American POW at the army center, and cut the tied rope of his hands.

ref1. Former PM Naoto Kan's Birthday 1946.10.10
     The Last Tokyo Olympic 1964.10.10
The last runner of Tokyo Olympic torch relay, Yoshinori Sakai(坂井義則)
born on 8.6.1945 (Hiroshima A-bombed Day)
& died on 2014.9.10, aged 69 without seeing 2nd Tokyo Olympic Dome.
(letters meaning: 坂=slope 井=through 義=moral 則=obey)

ref2. JAL123 fell & crushed in the middle of Japanese archipelago. 1985.8.12.
        Gold Price rose sharply over $2,000, but started to fall down to below           $2,000,  2020.8.12.

世界事象の大きな「折り返し点turn around」になるのでは。

【The DNA of the Soul】
Decades before the discovery of DNA, Carl Jung used a DNA-like metaphor to describe how the master plan for “the Self” is contained in our unconscious.
Jung’s concept of the unconscious emphasized its wisdom, not its irrationality.
The unconscious, far from being merely an empty slate, a cesspool of blind primordial energies, or of repressed contents of the ego, actually has hidden within it an instinctual intelligence that contains in its blueprint a whole series of built in behavior patterns that when activated will result in our entire future psychological development in the same manner that DNA contains a blueprint of our entire biological development.
For each person, the blueprint is different.
Everyone has two eyes, two ears, a nose, and a mouth, though, there are no two faces exactly alike.
Though the DNA is a common denominator to us all, to billions of us, it still manages to create each single human being as a unique….individual.
So too, the psychic DNA, “the Self”, though common to the human species, contain a blueprint for each personality that is unique and special to that individual.

Jung liked to refer to person’s blueprint as his or her “individual mythology”.

To live is To make your own story

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