Thursday, November 2, 2017

  Peace is based on "RA /「平和」のベースは


”Peace” is quite related to ”harmony” in sounds, I consider.


When we think on “What is Peace?”, we don’t have global concept of “one-ness on the Earth” not yet, but when we listen to music, we all are listening to “base sound of RA (tuning sound of orchestra)’”. If we all share this same RA, we are easy to feel “compassion” in our emotional fieldsUntil now for long history, our individual “RA” was different depending on different regions, however, we are already share the same “RA” sound spontaneously, because we are connected by NET technologies and already share the same sound on the ground of the Earth. (Musical notes now become a universal language with sharing our emotion everywhere, like almost all composers wherever use the same how to.)


Stories are the same. Every story has "the base RA” actually as same as music.

Children’s stories are easy to understand. “An aunty is hugging a broken hearted child & a stuffed fox”. In this case, the base “RA in music” is “An aunty”, then she is accepting all emotions of this TOPOS.


This ending comes after dramatic various stories for this child and a stuffed fox always with her since she was a baby. On the way to Aunty’s house far away by train, but lost her ways in desert and finally….. Without this “Final RA”, this child’s broken heart can not be healed…

 Little Red Riding Hood

The humankind is a species whose members recognize that each members are accepted by the communities or societies of their own. 

Each individual core base feeling is probably they had immediately after their born, and accepted by their each own mothers. And after learning language (firstly Mama to Papa…), each individual world will be gradually expanded into far. 

So even born but nobody care, the baby will die..  The same pattern will repeat while becoming grown-ups to even die for everybody. If their mother communities or societies become too cold and easily tend to cut the own members like objects, such societies gradually become places where nobody can live or survive there.

そして「階層意識の上へいくほど、『受け入れられたい願望』と『破壊願望』は比例して強くなっていく(to become "the men in grey")・・・。
The humankind make hierarchy everywhere, and each individual tend to go UP. But more going Up, lesser or hardly accepted… and gradually many of them become "the men in grey"…. And ironically what they are actually doing is, in order to go UP, they are going Down…contradictory….

Tools are made by languages, and before languages, everyone has deep emotion of crying(=expression of grief), then we make the societies of our own.

So naturally it would take long time like “decades” for reminding and caring people’s emotion there as the humankind because we are a species with deep grief and crying.

Trinity was testing, and Nagasaki was actually being evaded the first target Kokura by Nature (the weather on that day). So that is the reason why I think Hiroshima survivor's emotion is the center “RA” sound.

Actually we, almost all of us, have not yet share even Hiroshima survivors emotion in deep. But I mean IT is our common “RA” of our one-ness community. Even now many are trying to go far by separating the ground from us. In order to do that, even coming down to cut own roots and hardly notice it is “impossible”…  Because “sound” can not be heard as sound without ground

Technological progress was achieved by many inventions and developments, and there are many famous people’s names in history. That is usually we ordinary people think. But more deeply looking back on the history filled with wars and competitions, many tools and convenient materials surrounding our life now come to us through many wars in thousands years, and we are not yet looking back on those dead souls fully, however, those souls are always supporting our lives and prevent our lives from collapsing without names. Such kind of “noticing” is very important for all of us to share the same feeling of compassion of one-ness.

Dead peoples souls and spirits are not dead actually, and yet we are not noticing, so they are floating around or waiting for when we notice….
Experiences in deep conciousness


I think deep consciousness is very important for all of us including experiences by many hibakusha. I believe Hiroshima size explosion is max for all of us to hurt against our own species, because more than that unable us to have languages and stories which makes us  the humankind,  and that makes us different from other animals like Obama says to B.Rhodes as well. 

So maybe from now on, depth becomes gradually important. For example, in “Many Lives, Many Masters”, the patient’s experiences with the doctor, many lives, and those lives are experiences of dying in many wars. Unbelievable stories come out and surprising, however more than that, the patient and the doctor become very calm and stable through the experiences.

New technologies and materials are shining. But shining become boring soon. So peoples mind have moved more shining …such continuation was “progress”. But while progressing, we gradually forget and put behind very important things that support our lives stable for long time. 


Dead people is not actually dead, they are living and have some relations to us, such way of thinking might change our lives to something more stable whichever religions we believe in. Because we human beings have had stable lives for very long time with such way of thinking before even names of religions.

What was under this huge destroy?
It might be what we forget for longtime ago. Considering more destroy should be stopped (because it is impossible..), and we’d better put our mind into such kind of directions.

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