Wednesday, December 20, 2017

From ‘Power’ to ‘Peace for individuals'

an American tells, with hibakusha
Actually the world, we have been  living, was the place where only small numbers of people could enjoy the monetary rewards from 'the systems' that they made, but other majorities have to suffer in them.
Global and Economic structures have expanded such 'systems' and places everywhere all around the world.

Why were we  living in such unbalanced world?

 One thing can be said is "the society we have been lived in"  had quite a huge gap in military and economic systems, and "those systems" gave riches more money to become richer, and put ‘others who haven’t’ to move to more poverty and made them for suffering from even hunger or close to death.

Until now structures of our whole  society had such 'systems'.
And it come from ‘wars & severe competitive civilization”.
For long years, we made our society through many wars and  severe competitions until now.

Looking back on the “his-story”, there were full of wars and severe competitions.
"History" proves that.

But now we come to the point of turning around. 
As one of the species that can continue to live on this planet.

If we continue to have civilization that is “full of wars and severe competitions” any further, we human beings will kill all ourselves soon.
 So we human beings have to move from "War Civilization" toward "Peace Culture for individuals". 

Where have I learnt this concept of this “Peace Culture for individuals”?

This concept is from Ichiro Moritaki’s book.
Mr. Ichiro Moritaki(森滝市郎) was a leader of Gen-Sui-Kin(Prohibition Committee of A-bombs & H-bombs).

In 1945, Mr. Moritaki was A-bombed, heavily injured and lost his right eye sight.
And he had to stay in a hospital.
Since then, Mr. Moritaki had to continue to think about the weapons especially for those we call A-bombs.

Human beings made a weapon that has huge power and could destroy things and our own selves unimaginably.
Only one bomb, 580m above from the ground,  could destroy a whole city in 10 seconds.

What kind of meanings do these bombs have for human beings?
Mr. Moritaki had continued to think and ponder on this theme for years and decades, and finally got to very important concept.

When A-bombs appeared in history, its significant meaning was that human beings could not solve problems with competition of destroys any more.
So human beings have to stop wars and destroys.
That is the real meaning of A-bombs appearance in our history.

Unless we stop making these weapons, we don’t have our future as human kinds.

Then Mr. Moritaki continues to say further,
“Now we live in the world of ‘Powers(wars & too severe competitions)'

Unless we graduate from 'Powers(wars & too severe competitions)', 
then move  toward 'Peace with moral (=its basement is love and compassion to individuals)’, 
we humankinds don’t have our future neither.

To stop using weapons like A-bombs and never repeat this evil, 
we human beings have to stop wars.

In order to stop wars, we human beings have to stop ‘to become violent’.

'To stop to become violent', we human beings have to stop having too many and too much severe competitions.

In order to evade too many & too much severe competitions, we human beings have to think about moral (=its basement is love & compassion to individuals) more deeply.

While Mr. Moritaki was lying on the bed in a hospital after being A-bombed, he  started and kept considering on this concept for very long time.

And this, Mr. Moritaki’s this deep concept, is the real basement and resource of what I say myself as  “Peace Culture for individuals”.

1945, being A-bombed in Hiroshima, Mr. Moritaki was 45. 
And from then to until 92, passed away in 1994, 
Mr. Moritaki had continued to face with the existence of A-bombs directly, and kept urging the necessity of abolishing this type of weapons continuously.

Already in 1950’s, many people in Hiroshima have understood Mr. Moritaki’s this concept through their own experiences.

But on the other hand, looking on to the whole world, the idea of “the graduation from wars & severe competitive civilization” had not be rooted in people’s mind nor consciousness yet.

However, almost 70 years have passed, nowadays, people’s consciousness have been changed, and many people from various nationalities start to understand and share this Mr. Moritaki’s concept  gradually

“Culture with moral (=its basement is love and compassion to individuals)”
That means “Peace Culture for individuals.”
Unless we have to consider fully and put our consciousness toward this field, 
we humankind can not exist as a species on this planet.

This way of thinking, I learnt from not only Mr. & Ms. Moritaki but  also from my close Japanese friends and hibakusha, too.

A-bomb Exhibitions throughout US /  アメリカ人が伝えるヒロシマ  /

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