Saturday, March 3, 2018

An experience of Elisabeth Kubler Ross who has strong ‘Mother’s Instinct’

Elizabeth was on her way home to Switzerland.
At that time, she had two children soon after her second baby birth.
She was in an airplane.

When the flight attendants just got to start the service of delivering meals.
 Suddenly she felt something ominous.

She looked around, however, there was nothing wrong at a glance.
As same as usual, flight attendants were pushing  wagons and delivering meals for passengers.
Two businessmen beyond aisle were drinking alcohol and laughing loudly.

However, inside Elizabeth, something ominous became to too dangerous level.
So quickly she put down the dishes on the floor and fastened one of her child’s seatbelt, then immediately next, she held her baby in her chest very tightly.

Then, in a few seconds, the airplane fell down into an air pocket like a stone.
Inside the airplane became big fuss and mess, 
and many people were thrown away.

A lot of trays and luggages were also flew away.
Oxygen masks got outside as well.
Many people got injuries  and  burn by hot meals and water.

One of fright attendants had acute cut injury on her face.
Drunken passengers were heavily hit down to the aisle

However for Elizabeth and her children, nothing wrong happened and they did't have any injuries at that mess.

「臨死体験 立花隆(上)」より

Ochikubo Story 

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