Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ave Maria
My Classmates who died in A-bombing (more..)

“Nobuko's elder sister has died on August 12th.”
Nobuko's elder brother Hideo received a cremation urn at Koi-elementary school.
Only 'her name and her death date' was recorded on that urn.

Nobuko and Hideo’s home was running barbershop in Fukushima-cho, 1.7km away from H.C.
Hideo was 30 years old, and called up to military in January 1945, so he was in Osaka at that time.
Even after the War, many soldiers couldn’t go home immediately, but fortunately the leader of Hideo’s group was generous person. He told Hideo and other soldiers from Hiroshima,
“I’ve heard Hiroshima town was very serious. All of you should go home.”

So Hideo got on a very crowded train and arrived at Hiroshima.
He was very surprised to see the scene that Hiroshima town was totally burned out..

Hideo was really exhausted, but had no idea what he could do at that time.
When Hideo was sitting down at the bottom of Enko bridge, coincidently he saw his mother’s figure…
I never believe what I’ve seen. My mother was exactly right there.” 

“Everyone has been dead. I’m totally alone.” mother said to Hideo absented mindly.

According to her,
“When the bomb dropped, my father and two of his guests were perished at once.
Soon the fire come closer and our house was also totally burned out immediately.”
My mother was just outside, flown away, pushed and crashed against a wall.
Koi(己斐)elementary school

My mother run away to Koi elementary school.
There she saw Nobuko’s elder sister.
Her body was totally burned and couldn’t move at all.
She has died on 17th, while our mother was taking care of.”
the School Entrance 1951

Listening to what his mother said, Hideo decided to go to Koi elementary school, and talked with one of teachers there.

 According to her,
“While a teacher was taking care of Nobuko, our mother come to Koi elementary school.  then Nobuko cried loudly, ‘Mother! Mother!..’ and soon she passed away.”
While listening to that teacher’s story, Hideo also cried all together.

On Sep.17, 1945, Makurazaki(枕崎)typhoon attacked that town so it was the second big disaster for Hiroshima.
That huge twisters-and-tornado caused big flood upsides of Ota-river(太田川).
Hideo said,
“Many twigs, logs, woods, and boards were also flashed and floating in the rivers. So we made our barracks by using them. But my mother suffered from illness caused by radiation and has passed away in 1952.”

1952年 バラックに囲まれた原爆ドーム周辺のようす
Still now, Hideo’s barbershop is in Fukushima-cho.(1985)

I have a photo of my classmates before A-bombing, so I sent letters to survived classmates and people related, asking whether or not, you want the photocopy. Many answered “yes!”, so I sent them.
But there was no response from Hideo.
So, I sent Hideo one photocopy by myself without asking.
Again there was no response from him.

After few years, I visited his barbershop on August 6th without any appointment.
His barbershop was closed, however, I saw Hideo’s figure through a window, so I knocked the door a little bit loudly.
Then Hideo also noticed. He invited me inside his barbershop.
It was a tiny place for just several chairs and persons.

Hideo said,
“How come you are here! I never thought you would come.”
“For me, A-bombed experience was so hard that I tried to forget all of them. But if I forget all of them, it is too sorry for all the dead. So I remind of them only on August 6th…”

Listening to his words, I lost my words, thinking about photocopy…
‘Was that right for him?’

“You must have hard time…”(me)
“Yeah..too hard..I never want to remind of that…”(Hideo)

“Nobuko-san was a good and smart student..”(me)
“Not so much….”(Hideo)

Hideo’s eyes watched in the air toward far distance like dreaming.
“Nobuko wanted to become a teacher. She was always saying that. She had a younger brother. He come back from the War. He said he would be a teacher instead of Nobuko and actually he become a teacher. But he also died 8 years ago due to illness….”

I thought, “Nobuko’s younger brother must be the light for Hideo…”

When I tried to leave, Hideo stopped me,
“Please pray for Nobuko and other dead people.”
There was another small room and tiny Buddhist alter.

I prayed for them and watched inside the alter.
I found the photocopy of my classmates!

“You are really kind for me to send this photo. So I pray every day for Nobuko and others…”

I was really relieved.

Since then, every year, Hideo sends me ‘New Year Card’.

On his card, there are just only simple letters,”謹賀新年”.

But once when I watched the card carefully, I could find out unclear lines that showed he wrote every single letter by using a ruler.

I saw Hideo’s very tidy and honest character on that card.


Having worked as mobilized students, almost all my classmates have died in A-bombing.

On that day, being absent because of my bad body condition, I did not die.

40 years after that day, I asked and visited the bereaved and related people of all my classmates.

Including “Experiences too hard to talk.” “Too serious sufferings for 40 years”,even though

I want to write about them as much as in details as humankind one by one.
Because they are my classmates who have studied together, gone through 'the too much hardship' and are still now living in my heart. (more...)

Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist /竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden / Ave Maria

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