Thursday, February 13, 2020

Men in Grey灰色の男たちin MOMO

Very soon, Beppo realized that
 ‘the army of “men in greyfigures’ had eyes for no one but the three men UP in tribunal.
Either they had failed to notice him(bottom) at all
(men in grey's tendency is only seeing UP, they hardly see DOWN)

Then the silence was broken by a voice from the judges’ bench.
"The Supreme Court is now in session,” announced the central figure.
’Call Agent No.BLW/533/c!’

Came one of “men in grey”, distinguishable from his fellows only by the pallor of his face, which was almost white.
(In men in grey's society, rather "white" than "black", who slightly having more light than others, will be targeted and bullied, then whole men in grey society become much more "darker")

“Are you aware that a substantial number of children paraded through the streets today?”
How do you account for the fact that these children knew about us and our activities?”

“Yes. But if I may venture a personal observation, however, I would urge the Supreme Court not to take this incident more seriously than it deserves. It was a piece of childish nonsense..”

Children!” declared the judge,
“Are our natural Enemies!  Adults are far easier to control and turn into time-savers.”

Results are all that count here, and the result of your unauthorized action has been to gain us no time and acquaint a child with some of our most vital secrets. Do you admit that?”

 “Mercy, mercy!” he shrieked.

And then a very strange things happened.
No sooner had the condemned man lost his cigar than he started to become more and more transparent.
His scream grew fainter, too, as he stood their head with his hands, dissolving into thin air.
The last that could been seen of him was a little flurry of ash eddying in the breeze, but that soon vanished too.

Silently “the men in grey” dispersed.
Once the darkness had swallowed them up, the sole reminder of their presence was a chill, grey wind that swirled around the dismal and deserved garbage dump.

いったいどうなっている・いくのか? Actually, what is happening?

 MOMO’s Power is listening power.
Accepting every human’s mind.
Usually people rarely notice.
And “the men in greycan never attack her.
(One big reason is amount of lights. Another is  "men in grey" can never see "DOWN or BOTTOM" as it is, or "BOTTOM is important", so that their target distance never be reached till  "MOMO/TORTOISE" )

So until now, top(Up) is important for deciding things,
"the men in grey's consciousness(=solid thinking ways)" is "clinging up, cutting bottoms", & "losing balance".

竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden

From now on, relating consciousness at bottom, even under the languages may become more important contradictory.
Because throughout long history and before it, we are related at the bottom on the same ground of this one planet.
And now we are related & connected by “net” technologies globally

Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden 

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