Monday, July 24, 2017

Ryoan Temple Stones Garden  竜安寺石庭

This garden is expressing the human consciousness and under (mass) consciousness of the first War period (1500~1600) in Japan.

The Stones are metaphors of top worriers’ solid thinking ways, and the river flow expresses the whole other people’s consciousness and under (mass) consciousness in those days.

In those days, Buddhism entered, stayed, and Christianity entered and prohibited, so really mixed up  spiritual condition gave birth to Zen spirits here.

During severe wars period at that time, especially Hideyoshi wanted to rise UP to the Top beyond across the sea to the continent, however Rikkyu  went  Down to the ground for having simple life to cope with nature. For the first time during history, Rikyu was probably the first person who went Down, I think.

I imagine very close  and similar condition is taking place in the whole planet size now.

We, human beings, often say human beings are species that can speak language.

So we are superior to other animals and livings of this planet.

But those who remember when one-self actually started 'full skill of their own mother tongue' are really rare.

They are forgetting there was a term without language like other animals….
In addition to that, Crying, crying, crying….all day long....
For everyone, there IS a term you can not stay without Mother and her instinct.

“Language is the First!”
“Digital is the beginning!”
"Digital and Statistics can do anything!"


That tends to make us think many things ‘Contradictory’, ….
Language is not the beginning, actually….

Beginning is Crying....then 10-months starts to say Mama.. 
12-months starts to say Papa...

So through more or less ten-thousand years of "history" with various languages made us think with

“Core Contradiction”, like President Obama said in Hiroshima.

And that brought us ’Unmatched Destruction and Mushroom Clouds'…..

Languages, money systems along with languages, digital for expansion, ….dividing between "one & zero"…until splitting of an atom, go to..destruction… for destroy…until mass destruction..

But we have huge power of emotion of crying from the beginning of our birth as well.
Who will take care of this?  
It is also huge power.
It might be more than language…

An Egg, first.. a Crying Existence, next…then comes language…

Anyway the Nature Law never forget that we all human beings are firstly born with crying and tears flow.

Baby crying and Mother takes care of with mother's instinct
this repetition is actually the beginning, 
No taking care will leave a baby to die...
This is the  most important for everyone.
And most of us forget....
キュプラー・ロスElizabeth Kubler Ross’s experienceの体験

And tears and crying, these are like as natural rivers flows everywhere.

So our consciousness and under (mass) consciousness are also like river flows and water channels into the sea.

That is why we have compassion and can feel the same vessels are flowing and connected and related each other at the bottom.

It may be invisible but you can feel if you would listen carefully.

Ochikubo Story

And if you listen carefully like to tone of voices, pitches, or rhythms, come from emotional things, even when you are listening to some people's talking  in different languages, you will find out we are not different at the level of bottom flow of rivers and the sea of emotion.

Even as becoming an adult, everyone is supported by their society's empathy and compassion, especially when facing tough times and hard conditions.

Our societies sometimes show too severe coldness for cutting innocent ordinal people.

But surely there is the other side where there are people who are watching them and show empathy and compassion for them, and sometimes someone express strong  counter message like Haruki Murakami, Ms Akiko Naono and Ms. Nina M. Vasilenco  
Their feelings are supported by the emotion based on "moral and ethics" from bottom of their hearts.

Most part of "moral"  (its basement is love & compassion) is  lying and flowing before languages .
Not after (or closer to the center).
So it is so difficult to discuss about 'what is moral' in language...

And also that is the reason why,
nobody can not overpass "moral river & sea” by “language”,
because it is wider & deeper,
like papa(men) can not give birth to Mama(the Earth)...

 Dreams from my Daughter

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