Thursday, June 29, 2017

Reykjyavik Meeting

"in a step-by-step process, each step of which makes us safer."

The Nuclear Security Project Former “Cold Warriors” Offer a New Vision

On 11-12 October 1986, an historic summit meeting was held in Reykjyavik, Iceland, between US president Ronald Reagan, accompanied by Secretary of State George Shultz, and USSR general secretary Mikhail Georbachev, accoumpanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Eduard Shevarnadze.

Remarkably, they discussed dismantling all of their nuclear weapons, an agreement Reagan and Gorbachev both wanted but were unable to reach.

On their return to Washington, Reagan and Shultz were harshly criticized for even discussing the elimination of nuclear weapons.

But notwithstanding these criticisms, George Shultz understood very clearly the positive significance of Reykjavik and continued to work to contain the transcendental danger of the world nuclear arsenals.

Nearly twenty years later, Shultz reflected that the Reykjavik Summit was a uniquely important moment in history and deserving of commemoration.

He discussed this with Stanford physicist Sid Drell, who suggested hosting a seminar at Stanford’s Hoover Institute to revisit the Reykyavik Summit on the day of its twentieth anniversary.

In 1986, complete nuclear disarmament was remained bad idea, but majorities of the attendees thought it should be re-examine from the view of humanistic importance of establishing oughts.

Max Kampelmen, the veteran American diplomat, stressed that and he drew an analogy to “the Declaration of Independence… all men are created equal.”

Any meaningful success had to be at an international level.

Unless the international efforts were tied to eventually reaching a goal of zero, and that it was paramount to have that vision as the propelling force.

I was more impressed by Max Kampelman's oughts than I was by the arguments of traditional arms controllers.

Encouraged by the substance and momentum of the meeting, George Shultz, Sid Drell, Sam Nunn, and I agreed that we should schedule a follow-on meeting for the next anniversary of Reykjavik.

In the interim, we decided to write an op-ed that would call the world’s attention to the great dangers posed by nuclear weapons, call for increased urgency in taking steps to reduce those dangers, and advocate that we begin moving toward a world without nuclear weapons

After an invitation from George, Henry Kissinger joined our group and Sid volunteered to leave his name off the article to ensure that it would be seen as nonpartisan.

George submitted this fateful op-ed to the Wall Street Journal in January 2007.

More realistic approach was to proceed step by step to reduce the dangers of nuclear arsenals, and to clearly articulate why we believed this and how to go about doing so.

As Sam Nunn has described so effectively, we were at a base camp not even hallway up a mountain and saw our goal as reaching the top of the mountain, which was obscured by haze.

We could only proceed step by step, understanding that it would be a long, difficult journey, but knowing that each step up would make our world safer, even if we never reached the top.

During the 2008 presidential elections, Senator McCain and Senator Obama both spoke in support of Ronald Reagan’s vision of a world without nuclear weapons.

Then in 2009, barely ten weeks after he was inaugurated, President Obama delivered a speech in Prague that included the now-famous line :”I state clearly and with conviction the commitment of the United States to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.”

The crowd in Prague roared its approval.

Watching the speech at home on my television, I was overcome with emotion.

Could this really be happening?

Since then I have often replayed a recording of this speech, deeply moved each time.

Indeed, we believe that the practical steps we propose to lower nuclear dangers will not gain full international support unless they are attached to a vision of ultimately eliminating nuclear weapons; likewise, believe that this vision will never be achieved in one grand move, but in a step-by-step process, each step of which makes us safer.
President Obama's Hiroshima Speech (May 27,2016) / To ponder the power of splitting of an atom

Nuclear Threats in a Chaotic World / 
ACA Boardchair on way to Nuke Free World in Nagasaki(2018)

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