Thursday, March 8, 2018

Star Times:  March 6~7, 2018

The Visible Center Part of Power on our Planet "the Earth" got out of Shadow(闇)Yamaguchi(山口), and moved forward and arrived at Moral Light(光Hikari)Yamaguchi(山口).

Stopped people's (un)conscious directions by disaster starts to flow from 9/9 2018

【Important Places of Yamaguchi】
Perry, who played an important role for Japan, arrived at Uraga(浦賀) in July,1853,opening the country to the world also come to Shimonoseki(下関)of Kurihama(久里浜) in 1855.
Perry's arriving on 久里浜1855

Shokasonnjyuku(松下村塾:teacher吉田松陰Yoshida Shoin) was here, and from here, many leaders played important roles for Meiji Restoration(明治維新). And they’ve placed Japan's military center in Hiroshima.

Nagato(長門)the place where PM Abe’s ancestor’s grave.

Ube(宇部)Former PM Kan's() Birth Place (1946, October 10)
                  He contacted twice to President Obama in Fukushima NPPs accidents in March, 2011.
Iwakuni(岩国)There is a military base of US, and former President Obama visited there before he come to Hiroshima.

Kudamatsu(下松) My husband’s(1960.9.27~) and our Great grand father’s birth place(1926~2007).
The Location is  between Shimonoseki(下関) and Iwakuni(岩国) and there is a place called Hikari光(Moral Light next to.Kudamatsu(下松)link.

September's is the month of typhoon台風:natural huge energy  peak in Japan.
In 1991, the year I firstly attended the UN meeting as an assistant staff, and met a lonely DPRK representative and next year, a strange US representative who made a strange speech and disappeared within 10 min. I was hit and crushed on Sep.27 Typhoon. Now I clearly think that must be Dean’s Spirits.
(Dean Leeper's Toyamaru(洞爺丸)accident happened on 9.26.1954. )

 Little Red Riding Hood

US and Japan, the history of two countries must be followed in parallel, especially for 500 years.
Famous Japanese  writer Shima Ryotaro(司馬遼太郎) says US’s Basement Power comes from Black People.

Men’s consciousness tendency: to focus on targets(visible) sharply.
(above the ground)

Women’s consciousness tendency: to be able to feel the power of underground(invisible) and invisible deep unconsciousness, because while raising and taking care of babies, babies never talk......
キュプラー・ロスElizabeth Kubler Ross’s experienceの体験


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