Monday, August 3, 2020


I think my family members have “DNAs of MOMO.”

My father was born on 1930.5.2, and when he was 15, he saw & heard Nagasaki A-bomb explosion(1945.8.9.11:02) from Kumamoto(熊本) in far distance. And he talked with Sakai-kun who was in their same ages  15, and directlly A-bombed in Nagasaki.

My father in law was born in 1926, and when Soviet declared war against Japan (1945.8.9), he was 19, &  sent to  forced labor for Siberia, but survived and come back with not so much bad condition…
(The symbolic earthquake & the trigger of WWⅡ was The Kanto Earthquake(関東大震災)that occurred on September 1, 1923.)

His-stories might have moved from lands to human bodies & their consciousness  because of too much powers of destroy like A-bombings and secrecies with them here.

So following the two personal his-stories might be rather easy to understand the chronicle, from the past to the future in languages from here, because until then height of hierarchy drawn attentions, however, from around here, from Nuclear Age, many things are conducted under secrecy, depth of consciousness  (underground) and happenings of personnel depend on synchronicities caused by cycling rhythm of planets (like 「易Eki」) seemed to talk.  I'd better call my fathers as "the center bottom personnel" who experienced the important history events, but not so much damaged, and survived because their lights are in the center brighter positions of DNAs.

Momothe men in grey create quite contradicted mode of languages like "Never Laneさかさま小路" or "No where houseどこにもない家"….
As far as human's thinking ways are with languages
from somewhere to closer to the center, (=「intuition, instinct, 直感・虫のしらせ」)
those meanings become quite opposite or contradicted....

Because we are firstly crying ..until Mama. 
This context is probably as same as "whatever marvelous things 孫悟空(Songoku) does, he is always inside the hand of 観音(Kannon) and never be able to go over her fingers.

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