Monday, August 7, 2017

Why TPNW is so significant?
-「核兵器禁止条約」の意義 -

中国新聞 201787

'Hibakusha' welcomed “the first August 6th” since “the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons(TPNW)"  was supported by majorities in UN one month before.

-Hibakusha’s earnest hope for TPNW is 'Real'-
Those  are 'Who', looking forward to 'the world without nuclear weapons' from bottom of their heart.

"Imagine what A-bombed casualties want to say.  
Imagine who lost their lives without any proofs they lived. 
They are people who really want to eliminate A-Bombs with TPNW
And I am speaking out instead of them.”

被爆者の田中稔子さん(78 広島市東区)は、中区にある広島女学院高女(現広島女学院中高)の慰霊碑の前で手を重ねた。
Ms. Tanaka prays for the dead with her hands together in front of the cenotaph in her home school.

碑に刻まれた生徒と教職員350人の中には、夫の母型の伯父で、英語教諭だった田中彦七さん(当時 59)の名もある。
On the cenotaph, 350 names are carved.  Among them, there are 4 of her husband's family members'.

They have been perished under the house, instantly.....


Ms. Tanaka was also A-bombed 2.3km away from the hypocenter when she was 6 years old.

She got on 'Peace Boat' this spring,
and attended a meeting of UN negotiation for the Treaty.


“We, who are living now as hibakusha, have to speak out , instead of the dead.”

She urges the nations representatives in UN, to ratify this treaty with the back support of many A-bombed casualties.

 TPNW is the matter of for 'the whole humanity in the world'.

After the peace memorial ceremony, Mr. Tsuboi(92), the leader of Hidankyo hibakusha, has persuaded  PM Abe to support this treaty.




Another Hidankyo hibakusha, Mr. Iwasa, who had participated in “hibakusha appeal ”, also asked,
“Each names of appeal should be effective. They should not be ended in vain”.


Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden 

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