Monday, November 20, 2023


Nuclearweapons and the Humankind cannot co-exist (Ichiro Moritaki)


The Papal Vision; beyond the bomb

From 1945.August 6th, there was no media report nor coverage on the A-bombing for years even here in Hiroshima, so ordinal people knew what had happened on Hiroshima firstly by John Hersy’s “Hiroshima” appeared in NewYorker on August 30, 1946, then recorded 300 thousands copies selling & published as a book world widely.

Actually what would happen on humanity due to the nuke bombing?
It was very difficult to know about reality of using such mass destructive wepons.

 "Hiroshima", by John Hersy.
This book's translation was published in April, 1949 by interviewed priest Mr.Tanimoto.

Even being attacked directly, can not be recognized for long time what it was if a weapon's damage was so huge.
Major photo coverage magazine “Asahi-Graph” treated Hiroshima in 1952 (7 years after).
Then people at last knew what had happened here, and started to talk their own stories. 
Since then anti nuclear movement rose up finally even on this land.

"Mass Destructive Weapons", making them with secrecy from the beginning, 
even though,
“The stopper” or “an edge” are on the center emotional line of 
“how honestly you can tell as your own story”, 
“to be able to withdraw compassion from the bottom” as a same spices, 
and  to gain in each individual own lights back
you will start to notice, gradually. (not sensationally)

Because we all are on this same limited ground .
All our languages come from the ground of this one planet at first.
& all roots are in the same underground.
Plus nowadays we are already related and connected one by one.
By various  technologies under ground like EN as well.

「ヒロシマ原爆被害者」の国籍は約20か国以上に及ぶ。Nationalities of Hiroshima hibakusha are over 20「本当」を切実に訴えたい「ヒバクシャ(hibakusha)は、「1945年8月6日」その日から、国境を問わず「同じ経験、想い」をずっと共有し続けている。(核被害者フォーラム / Nuclear Victims Forum )

「解説」に替えて  森滝春子 氏
  (2017825日 ご自宅でお話をうかがったたおり)

「まなこひとつ 失いしかなしみ 深かれど ひとすじのみち みえざらめやわ」

194586日 広島で被爆し、右眼の光を失った森滝市郎が、2年後の1947年に詠んだ短歌である。




Mr. Moritaki’s final concept  he had gotten to as an A-bombed philosopher was,
“We humankind reached to the mountain top of science and technologies,
and it was the nuclear power technology".
But that was too much Power for existence of 
 humankind like us.
We humankind cannot co-exist with such too much "Power".

So we have to graduate from "Power Civilization",

and turn around toward the direction of
 "Peace Culture for individuals with moral (=its basement is love and compassion)”.



「宮島や瀬戸の島々があんなに美しいとは! 色彩があったんだな。」と弾んだ声を上げたときのことは忘れがたい。


The humankind have to continue to live








私たちが取り組んできたウラン鉱山採掘、核兵器廃絶、反原発、そして劣化ウラン兵器禁止など、核利用サイクルにおける核被害に目を向ける運動(Nuclear Victims Form)は、「核兵器と人類は共存できない」という森滝市郎の「核絶対否定」の信念の延長線上にあると、改めて思う。more..


                 核兵器禁止条約TPNW  )

 谷本清平和賞 S.リーパーさんに

Mr.Tanimoto Award goes to S.Leeper

中国新聞 2023年11月20日









Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


2021(令和3)年 長崎平和宣言 / Nagasaki Peace Declaration


 20218月9日 / August 9, 2021




This year saw the passing of a Catholic monk. Toumei Ozaki spent his whole life following in the footsteps of Father Maximilian Kolbe, the man who was called the “Saint of Auschwitz.” Brother Ozaki spoke out about his experiences in the atomic bombing up until just before his life came to a close at the age of 93. In his diary he left behind these words.


The countries of the world, all of them, must completely abolish nuclear weapons or there will be no peace on earth.


 Nuclear weapons are not conventional bombs. Only those who experienced the atomic bombings can understand the terror inherent in radiation. Parents, children, loved ones and many others were killed by these bombs. In order to see that they are not used again I keep saying. “This is wrong! This is wrong!” I keep screaming for the abolition of nuclear weapons.


Those of us who survived the hell of the atomic bombings want to make sure that we have peace without nuclear weapons.


The “peace without nuclear weapons” that Brother Ozaki continued to call for has not as yet been realized. However, the wish he had has borne fruit in the form of a certain treaty.


This year marks the 76th year since humankind experienced the tragedy of the atomic bombings and we are now standing on a new horizon with regard to nuclear weapons. When the Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons TPNWcame into force this January, it was the first time in human history that there had been an international law clearly stating that nuclear weapons are unequivocally illegal.


The process to make this newly established treaty grow into a universal rule for the world and realize a world free of nuclear weapons will now begin. The point of departure will be the first meeting of state parties to the treaty, which will be held next year.


Conversely, however, the danger of nuclear weapons continues to grow. While the nuclear armed nations have a responsibility to uphold the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and reduce nuclear weapons, moves such as the public announcement by the U.K. about increasing the number of nuclear warheads in that country show that dependence on such weapons is actually increasing. Furthermore, the competition to replace existing nuclear weapons with more sophisticated weapons and develop new types of nuclear weapons increases.


In order to follow a single path toward a world free of nuclear weapons amidst these two conflicting movements, world leaders must commit to nuclear arms reductions and build trust through dialogue, and civil society must push them in this direction.

日本政府と国会議員に訴えます。I hereby appeal to the Government of Japan and members of the National Diet.


As the country that is most aware of the tragic consequences of nuclear weapons, please join as an observer to the first meeting of state parties to the Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons TPNW in order to look into ways to develop this treaty. With regard to the stipulation in the treaty to provide assistance to victims of the use or testing of nuclear weapons, surely this is an area where Japan and its government can contribute more than any other country. In addition, please sigh the Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons TPNWand see to its ratification at the earliest possible date.


While adhering to the war-renouncing principle of peace in the Japanese Constitution, please look into building a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Northeast Asia that would create a “non-nuclear umbrella” instead of a “nuclear umbrella” and be a step in the direction of a world free of nuclear weapons.

 核保有国と核の傘の下にいる国々のリーダーに訴えます。I hereby appeal to the leaders of nuclear-armed nations and countries under their nuclear umbrellas:


You must face the reality that thinking of nuclear weapons as necessary to defend your countries under “nuclear deterrence” actually makes the world a more dangerous place. I ask you to see that substantial progress towards nuclear disarmament is made at the next NPT Review Conference, starting with greater steps by the U.S. and Russia to reduce nuclear weapons.

地球に住むすべての皆さん。To everyone living on this earth.


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we have experienced on a global scale the loss of everyday aspects of our lives that we previously took for granted. We have learned that in order to think of ourselves as concerned parties and act appropriately. Now we all ponder together the question of how we can build an even better future when the pandemic is over instead of just returning to the way things were before.


It is the same with nuclear weapons. Are we members of the human race going to choose a future in which we continue to maintain nuclear weapons that will pollute the earth and doom humanity? Hasn’t the time come for us to raise our individual voices as is being done in the movements for decarbonization and sustainable development goals, and speaks out against the dangers inherent in nuclear weapons in order to bring about change in the world?

「長崎を最後の被爆地に」。May Nagasaki be the last place to suffer an atomic bombing.


These words are sent from Nagasaki to people all over the world. Hiroshima will eternally be remembered in history as the first place to suffer an atomic bombing, but whether Nagasaki continues to take its place in history as the last place to suffer an atomic bombing depends on the future we build for ourselves. The unchanging resolve of the hibakusha to see that “no one in the world ever goes through that experience again” is expressed in these words, as is the goal clearly stated in the Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons TPNW. It is a hope that each and every one of us should continue to hold onto.


Let us share these words with the people of the world and follow a clear path towards a nuclear free world ever the 25-year period that begins this year and brings us to the 100th anniversary of the atomic bombings.


The average age of the hibakusha is now over 83. I ask that the Government of Japan provide improved support for the hibakusha and relief measures for those who experienced the atomic bombings but have not yet received official recognition as bombing survivors.

東日本大震災から10年が経過しました。私たちは福島で起こったことを忘れません。今も続くさまざまな困難に立ち向かう福島の皆さんに心からのエールを送ります。Ten years have now passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and its aftermath. We will not forget what happened in Fukushima. We extend from the bottom of our hearts a call of encouragement to all those in Fukushima who continue to face a variety of hardships.


While extending our deepest condolences to those who lost their lives to the atomic bombs. I hereby declare that Nagasaki will work tirelessly alongside Hiroshima and all people who desire peace to spread a “culture of peace” around the world and bring about the abolishment of nuclear weapons and the realization of eternal peace.

令和3年(2021年)8月9日 長崎市長 田上富久

Tomihisa Taue / Mayor / The City of Nagasaki 

Nuclearweapons and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden 

Friday, August 6, 2021

 Architectural Witnesses to the Atomic Bombing  

2021(令和3)年 広島平和宣言 / Hiroshima Peace Declaration


 202186日/August 6



On this day 75 years ago, a single atomic bomb instantly reduced our hometown to a scorched plain. That bombing brought cruel death to countless innocent victims and left those who managed to survive with profound, lifelong physical and emotional injuries due to radiation, fear of aftereffects, and economic hardship. One survivor who gave birth to a girl soon after the bombing says, As more horrors of the bomb came to light, and I became more concerned about their effects, I worried less about myself and more about my child. Imagining the future awaiting my daughter, my suffering grew, night after sleepless night.




No one else should ever suffer as we have. 

These words express the will of survivors who, having known horrors too painful to recall, were condemned to fear, frustration, and agony by the likely future of their children and their own irradiated bodies. When hibakusha tell their stories, they convey not only the horror and inhumanity of nuclear weapons but also an intense yearning for peace, born of compassion. Finally, after 75 long years of sustained activity, their demands have moved the international community. This year, on January 22, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into effect. It remains now for world leaders to support this treaty, shifting their focus toward a truly sustainable society free from nuclear weapons.


The novel coronavirus still ravages our world. The community of nations recognizes this threat to humanity and is taking urgent measures to end it. Nuclear weapons, developed to win wars, are a threat of total annihilation that we can certainly end. If all nations work together. No sustainable society is possible with these weapons continually posed for indiscriminate slaughter. The combined wisdom of all peoples must be trained on their total abolition.


The road to total abolition will not be smooth, but a ray of hope shines from the young people now taking up the hibakusha’s quest. One survivor who witnessed hell that day entrust our future to the young with these words:

“Start small, but I hope each of you will do whatever you can to promote and maintain the treasure we call peace….” I ask our young to sustain an unshakable conviction that nuclear weapons are incompatible with full, healthy lives for their loved ones. It further ask them to share that conviction persuasively with people around the world.


We must never forget that young people can certainly compel world leaders to turn away from nuclear deterrence. Three years after the bombing, Helen Keller visited Hiroshima, encouraging its residents in the struggle to recover, ”Along we can do so little, Together we can do so much.” Her words remind us that individuals, when united, have the power to change the world. If the determination to live in peace sweeps through civil society, people will elect leaders who share that determination. Nuclear weapons are the ultimate human violence. If civil society decides to live without them, the door to a nuclear weapon-free world will open wide. 


The atomic bombed city of Hiroshima will never stop preserving the facts of the bombing, disseminating them beyond borders, and conveying them to the future. With the more than 8.000 Mayors for Peace member cities in 165 countries and regions, we will promote a worldwide “culture of peace”. In a global culture where peace is a universal value, world leaders will find the courage to correct their policies.



Given the uncertainly concerning nuclear weapons derived from stalled disarmament negotiations, I have an urgent demand to make of world leaders. The time has come for a profound tactical shift away from reliance on threats toward security based on trust derived from dialogue. Experience has taught humanity that threatening others for self defense benefits no one. Our leaders must understand that threatening rivals with nuclear weapons achieves nothing of value, but threatening each other with empathy and building long lasting friendships connect directly to national self-interest. To that end, I urge all world leaders to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, achieve a deeper understanding of the bombings, fulfill the disarmament mandate of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT), and join the discussions aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of the TPNW.



With respect to the Japanese government, I request productive meditation between the nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states. Furthermore, in accordance with the will of the hibakusha, I demand immediate signing and ratification of the TPNW, then constructive participation in the first Meeting of States Parties. Fulfilling the role of mediator must involve creating an environment that facilitates the restoration of international trust and security without reliance on nuclear weapons. The average age of our hibakusha is close to 84. I demand more generous assistance for them and the many others suffering daily due to the harmful physical and emotional effects of radiation. I demand as well immediate relief for those exposed to the black rain.



At this Peace Memorial Ceremony marking 76 years since the bombing, we offer heartfelt prayers for the peaceful repose of the souls of the atomic bomb victims. Together with Nagasaki and likeminded people around the world, we pledge to do everything in our power to abolish nuclear weapons and light the way toward lasting peace.


令和3年(2021年)86日 広島市長 松井一実

Matsui Kazumi / Mayor / The City of Hiroshima

Hiroshima marks 76th 

Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden  Hiroshima Home TV 2022.8.6 LIVE


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Bernardバーナード・Lown M.D.ラウン氏 を追悼する

Excerpt from ”The Lost Art of Healing” by Bernard Lown M.D.

 “A Modern Hasidic Tale”;

I want to write, therefore, in far greater detail about one patient who shook me up, educated me about issues remote from medicine, provided me with unusual psychologic insights, and deepened my art of healing.

There is a more compelling reason for my sharing the tale of the patient, S.V.

His story launched me into writing this book.

God did not play dice with the universe/The Lord is not capricious in his actions by Einstein

 2021(令和3)年316日 中国 田城 明




核戦争(Nuclear War)防止」「核兵器廃絶」を目標にするIPPNWにとって、「マスメディアに強い見方を得た」との思いを強くされたのだろう。欧米のマスコミからは、「ソ連の手先ではないか」と誤報されることも多かったからだ。





核戦争(Nuclear War)がもたらす人類破滅の危機を医学的立場から、世界中の人びとや政治指導者らに訴えてきた半生であった。こうした取り組みが、今日の「核兵器禁止条約(TPNW」の発効の礎ともなった。










Monday, December 7, 2020

「誰もいかぬなら、私が行く」 -追悼 中村哲さん 奥田智志

“If nobody go, then I will go”

 -one year commemoration of Tetsu Nakamura's passing away  by Tomoshi Okuda 201912.07. link


On December 4th, 2019, when I heard the news, ”Mr.Nakamura was attacked by terrorists and died…”…. 

I lost my words.


 I want to write something. 

But I can not find appropriate words to express my feeling for this loss….


When Peshawar-kai has started, I was a freshman of a University.


While leading my student life in Osaka, I got a chance to go to Kamagasaki(釜ヶ崎)where low payments or daily working people gathered. Then very firstly I knew in my life that the reality of the shadow of Japanese society.


Then I started to work as a priest for Higashi Yahata Church from 1990.


There, in a very small sized group, I have started to work for supporting homeless people. 


In those days, ‘report meetings’ of Peshawar-kai  was held in Higashi Yahata Church.


Nowadays, Mr.Nakamura’s lecture meeting on his activities in Afghanistan has invited a lot of people, but when I attended to the meeting for the first time, numbers of participants were just a dozen of people.


Mr.Nakamura's works & activities were marvelous. But I was  jealous....


Mr. Nakamura's working fields were in foreign countries.

What about people in Japan? 

Those who are suffering from poverties and other many things..? Who will take care of them ?  Honestly to say, I had such biased feeling at that time...



For the reporting meeting of  Peshawar-kai, even a dozen of participants, but they were really enthusiastic.

On the other hand, our supporting work for homeless people, there were only a coupe of numbers of participants.... I envy for Mr. Nakamura....



The first leader of Peshawar-kai’s committee was Mr. Yuji Sato, a doctor and was a student in the same grade of the University with Mr. Nakamura.

He was a member of Higashi Yahata Church as well.


Yuji Sato was passed away when he was 43 due to serious disease. It was the same year when I got belonged to that Church. I learnt from him a lot.


In his funeral, I have to have a preach in front of hundreds people.


As a new priest, I talked various things nervously.


In the middle of the ceremony, Mr. Nakamura arrived from Afghanistan.



Wearing Afghanistan's native clothes, Mr. Nakamura cried in very loud voice

 "Why! Yuji! You have gone!". .



He also said, "Realities are not such refined stories! "

I took his stories as like this.




Only two years since becoming a priest, I talked something.

But for Mr. Nakamura, such an easy story had nothing to persuade.

I was ashamed.


Not only Mr.Sato but also Mr.Nakamua's activities were supported by many staff members. And this time, 5 staff members were killed with Mr. Nakamura. We shouldn't forget their death, neither.


I had several chances to have lectures with Mr. Nakamura.


I had some trauma...on that day, so that even when I saw him directly, what I said to Mr. Nakamura was just "Long time no see..." or something...




But the most impressive words I was influenced by Mr. Nakamura was,

"If nobody go, then I will go."




I've considered this Mr. Nakamura's phrase important, and interpreted along with my own way in my field.

My activities are far behind from Mr. Nakamura's.

But his words have always encouraged me.



"Why nobody go?"  Because it is dangerous.


Then Mr. Nakamura said, "I will go." to Afghanistan.


This is the end of his own activities, however, if there weren't lives for leading like him, the reality can not be changed. "If it is dangerous, we have no relation of that matter.." . Then everything will finish.


I have really respected for Mr. Nakamura as a priest of Christianity.


The whole world was in huge sorrow for the loss of Mr. Nakamura.


The whole world is crying for the loss of Mr. Nakamura.


However, we should not change this sorrow to the direction of hate.


That is what Mr. Nakamura dislike the most.


I remind of this, and pray for him.


Sincerely yours. I want to give my heartful gratitude to you, Mr. Nakamura.


I was encouraged and braved by your activities very much.

From this spirits you gave to me,

I want to go further than where I'm here now.


Then I want see you in somewhere in the future.

Tomoshi Okuda

To commemorate Mr.Nakamura and to know about 'Afghanistanډاکټر ټيټسو ناکامورا خدمتونه په دی ویډیو کی وګورئNuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Architectural Witness to the Atomic Bombing 

Nuclear weapons banned -illegal at last (TPNW)



Robert Dodge and Ira Helfand 10/31/2020 


Saturday, Oct.24 marked the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, 75 years following the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


 This Oct 24 will go down in history as the day nuclear weapons were declared illegal with the ratification of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.


The United Nations was founded to promote world peace and security. There is no greater existential threat to our peace and security than the existence of nuclear weapons – and now they are banned.


 With Honduras delivering the 50th ratification of the treaty last Saturday, the world has spoken and the global community has banned these most dangerous of weapons, as it has previously banned other weapons of mass destruction; chemical, biologic, landmines and cluster munitions.


This treaty came about following years of stalemate and incremental movement toward disarmament by the nuclear nations despite being treaty bound for 50 years by Article Ⅵ of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT to work in “good faith” to abolish their nuclear arsenals). With this current treaty, nuclear weapons are now illegal and those nations who have them, store them, develop them, fund them or threaten their use will now be in breach of international law.


The movement that resulted in this treaty has literally been 75 years in the making.


As a result of the intransigence of the nuclear nations to meet their obligations, a series of three international conferences were convened.



These conferences addressed the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, demonstrating the potential for global nuclear famine from even a limited reginal nuclear war and the reality that – like climate change – the effects of nuclear weapons did not recognize national boundaries but rather had potential global catastrophic effects.


The conferences were held in Oslo, Norway, in 2013, followed in February 2014 by a second conference in Nayarit, Mexico, with a final gathering in Vienna, Austria, in December 2014, which for the first time included representatives of the US and the United Kingdom. 


All three were attended by delegations from the International Committee of the Red Cross, and representatives of Pope Francis and were organized in cooperation with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons(ICAN), a coalition of civil society groups which won the Novel Peace Prize in 2017 for this work.


At the final conference, the Austrian government launched the “Humanitarian Pledge”, promising to develop a nuclear weapons ban treaty.


This was followed in 2017 when the UN held meetings to negotiate a treaty which would for the first time take into account the legacy of the nuclear era, including the health effects on the Hibakusha, the victims of the nuclear bombings, and on those impacted by the mining, testing, and development of these weapons. 

2015 Nuclear Victims Forum Hiroshima 


Consideration was given to the disproportionate impact on women, girls,  and the elderly and indigenous communities living near nuclear testing sites. 


The treaty, which came to be known as the Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, was adopted on July 7, 2017 by 122 nations with the Netherlands voting no and Singapore abstaining. The treaty opened for ratification on Sept. 20. 2017.


With last Saturday’s 50th ratification, the treaty will enter into force in 90 days – on January 22. 


At that point, nuclear weapons will still exist, but the global community will have a powerful new tool to stigmatize those nations that continue to have them, and the financial institutions and corporations that fund and develop these weapons. 


Each of us has a role to play in the abolition of these weapons. Our individual role is not necessarily a large role or a small role, it is our role and it is vital.


 In the US, there is a grassroots movement sweeping..


Across the country endorsed by the medical, scientific, religious and NGO communities similar to the international ICAN campaign. 


This “Back from the Brink” grassroots campaign has been endorsed by 47 cities including Los Angeles, six state legislative bodies including California’s Assembly and Senate and 344 organizations.


This call to prevent nuclear war supports the ban treaty and calls on the United States to lead a global effort by:


1. Renouncing the option of using nuclear weapons first


2.Ending the sole, unchecked authority of any president to launch a nuclear attack


3.Taking the US nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert


4.Canceling the plan to replace its entire arsenal with enhanced weapons.


 5. Actively pursuing a verifiable agreement among nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals.


 The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons delivers a clear message from nations across the globe that nuclear weapons threaten the survival of all of humanity and must be eliminated before they eliminate us.



Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden