Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ms. Peterson Hiromi has received "2016 Kiyoshi Tanimoto Peace Prize "
原爆の記憶継承 谷本清・平和賞受賞 link  

20161013日 中国新聞

公益財団法人 ヒロシマ・ピース・センター(広島市佐伯区 鶴衛理事長)は12日、第28回谷本清平和賞に、米ハワイ・プナポワ学園の元日本語教師で、被爆2世のピーターソン・ひろみさん(68)=ホノルル市=を選んだと発表した。
Hiroshima Peace Center has announced that "the 28th Kiyoshi Tanimoto Prize" will be presented to Ms. Peterson Hiromi(68) in Honolulu, Hawaii. 
Ms. Peterson was a former teacher of Punahou School to teach Japanese.

Kiyoshi Tanimoto was a priest of Nagarekawa(流川) Church in Hiroshima. 
He is as a survived priest, firstly written in John Hersey's "Hiroshima" 
And in his name, since 1987, "Kiyoshi Tanimoto Prize" have been awarded every year to individuals who made great activities and movements for peace in various fields. 
In 2016, Ms. Peterson Hiromi in Hawaii is awarded because she dedicated herself to succeed the memories of wars and A-bombing during WWII to next generations in her fields of Hawaii.

Ms.Peterson is the second generation of Hiroshima survivor.
Her parents and three brothers got heavily burnt and injured in Hiroshima A-bombing.

In 1972, Ms.Peterson moved to Hawaii when she got married to her husband in US, and she has worked there as a teacher of Japanese language in Punahou school where President Obama went to as well.

She has engaged in publishing Japanese textbooks for high school students, those can be read in English. Textbooks by her, are dealing with A-bombing disasters and those casualties. In Hawaii, she dedicated herself for writing and translating in her own style.

Every summer from 2009, she has sent her school students and teachers to Hiroshima for peace learning.

When President Obama visited Hiroshima in May, 2016, Ms.Peterson also visited herself almost the same place of memorial and conducted some peace exchange activities among high school students in Hiroshima.

Ms. Peterson commented,
"I'm really honored to be able to receive such a great award. From now on too, I want to continue to dedicate myself to teach next generations for making world more peaceful place."




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