Friday, March 30, 2018

松原美代子さん 死去 85歳(2018210日)
Miyoko Matsubara passed away in her age of 85

中国 2018330

国内、そして世界をまわり「ヒロシマの証言(Testimony of Hiroshima)」を続けてきた松原美代子さんが210日に広島市南区の自宅にて死去。85歳。






爆心地から約1.6~7キロ(1 mile)、現場にいた2年生と共に死者239人。




Barbara Reynolds’ Hiroshima memorial

Monday, March 12, 2018

 "Resonance of En" 




Sounds of resonance of languages and human's ability of sympathy come from cycling rhythms of our planet the Earth and other 4 planets, the moon and the Sun,  recently some scientists found out.

ですから、最近は「エンとの共鳴(Resonance of EN)」という言葉が、文字通り心ある科学者の中から出始めています。
So recently now, that is called the "Resonance of EN(エン)" in the scientific field.


 Ueda-san's Mother Gost appeared  in 1945.10.10.
  means after the appearance of A-bomb,
 "motherhood=moral(love & compassion)" becomes much more important, by taking her story & I think her story is the very beginning of 'turnning around'.

The scientific story of an atom against humanity occurred 580m above the ground in Hiroshima (1945.8.6)
Ueda-san's story occurred on the same day on the same ground under the explosion.
She met Dr.Shima in aid in Fukuro-machi, whose hospital is almost at h.c., & encouraged by him.
Dr.Hida met an American POW at the army center, and cut the tied rope of his hands.

ref1. Former PM Naoto Kan's Birthday 1946.10.10
     The Last Tokyo Olympic 1964.10.10
The last runner of Tokyo Olympic torch relay, Yoshinori Sakai(坂井義則)
born on 8.6.1945 (Hiroshima A-bombed Day)
& died on 2014.9.10, aged 69 without seeing 2nd Tokyo Olympic Dome.
(letters meaning: 坂=slope 井=through 義=moral 則=obey)

ref2. JAL123 fell & crushed in the middle of Japanese archipelago. 1985.8.12.
        Gold Price rose sharply over $2,000, but started to fall down to below           $2,000,  2020.8.12.

世界事象の大きな「折り返し点turn around」になるのでは。

【The DNA of the Soul】
Decades before the discovery of DNA, Carl Jung used a DNA-like metaphor to describe how the master plan for “the Self” is contained in our unconscious.
Jung’s concept of the unconscious emphasized its wisdom, not its irrationality.
The unconscious, far from being merely an empty slate, a cesspool of blind primordial energies, or of repressed contents of the ego, actually has hidden within it an instinctual intelligence that contains in its blueprint a whole series of built in behavior patterns that when activated will result in our entire future psychological development in the same manner that DNA contains a blueprint of our entire biological development.
For each person, the blueprint is different.
Everyone has two eyes, two ears, a nose, and a mouth, though, there are no two faces exactly alike.
Though the DNA is a common denominator to us all, to billions of us, it still manages to create each single human being as a unique….individual.
So too, the psychic DNA, “the Self”, though common to the human species, contain a blueprint for each personality that is unique and special to that individual.

Jung liked to refer to person’s blueprint as his or her “individual mythology”.

To live is To make your own story

Friday, March 9, 2018

                    Very Loo...ooNG 錦帯橋(Kintaikyo) Re-Building Story
Kintaikyo錦帯橋 in 岩国Iwakuni

錦帯橋(Kintaikyo-bridge)was firstly built in 1673 with very top art skills in those days, without any nails.

And this strong bridge had been stayed 277 years.

But in 1950, when Kijia(キジア) Typhoon attacked this area,  
huge flood had  flushed this strong bridge.

So when rebuilding the bridge, 
people had to consider how to re-build with the technologies of old days very deeply.

One person found a photograph of old錦帯橋(Kintaikyo-bridge) in Miyajima(宮島).

People rebuilt new錦帯橋(Kintaikyo-bridge) by just looking at one photograph in Miyajima(宮島).

A-bomb Dome
And Miyajima(宮島) hotel was designed by an architect Jan Letzel, too.

 who designed A-bomb Dome in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park as well.

And Miyajima(宮島)Hotel was burnt in accident fire in 1952.

So there is no photograph when people used and re-built the New錦帯橋(Kintaikyo-bridge) now.


Every TOPOS(地勢) has always balancing along with the cycling of our planet the Earth where the most important place for us, our Mother Planet of the human kinds. In Iwakuni(岩国), there is US Military Base.
So for balancing of TOPOS(地勢)

There are very important and balancing places in Iwakuni(岩国).

Go-En Coin
White Snake(the most powerful URABOROS)


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Star Times:  March 6~7, 2018

The Visible Center Part of Power on our Planet "the Earth" got out of Shadow(闇)Yamaguchi(山口), and moved forward and arrived at Moral Light(光Hikari)Yamaguchi(山口).

Stopped people's (un)conscious directions by disaster starts to flow from 9/9 2018

【Important Places of Yamaguchi】
Perry, who played an important role for Japan, arrived at Uraga(浦賀) in July,1853,opening the country to the world also come to Shimonoseki(下関)of Kurihama(久里浜) in 1855.
Perry's arriving on 久里浜1855

Shokasonnjyuku(松下村塾:teacher吉田松陰Yoshida Shoin) was here, and from here, many leaders played important roles for Meiji Restoration(明治維新). And they’ve placed Japan's military center in Hiroshima.

Nagato(長門)the place where PM Abe’s ancestor’s grave.

Ube(宇部)Former PM Kan's() Birth Place (1946, October 10)
                  He contacted twice to President Obama in Fukushima NPPs accidents in March, 2011.
Iwakuni(岩国)There is a military base of US, and former President Obama visited there before he come to Hiroshima.

Kudamatsu(下松) My husband’s(1960.9.27~) and our Great grand father’s birth place(1926~2007).
The Location is  between Shimonoseki(下関) and Iwakuni(岩国) and there is a place called Hikari光(Moral Light next to.Kudamatsu(下松)link.

September's is the month of typhoon台風:natural huge energy  peak in Japan.
In 1991, the year I firstly attended the UN meeting as an assistant staff, and met a lonely DPRK representative and next year, a strange US representative who made a strange speech and disappeared within 10 min. I was hit and crushed on Sep.27 Typhoon. Now I clearly think that must be Dean’s Spirits.
(Dean Leeper's Toyamaru(洞爺丸)accident happened on 9.26.1954. )

 Little Red Riding Hood

US and Japan, the history of two countries must be followed in parallel, especially for 500 years.
Famous Japanese  writer Shima Ryotaro(司馬遼太郎) says US’s Basement Power comes from Black People.

Men’s consciousness tendency: to focus on targets(visible) sharply.
(above the ground)

Women’s consciousness tendency: to be able to feel the power of underground(invisible) and invisible deep unconsciousness, because while raising and taking care of babies, babies never talk......
キュプラー・ロスElizabeth Kubler Ross’s experienceの体験


Saturday, March 3, 2018

An experience of Elisabeth Kubler Ross who has strong ‘Mother’s Instinct’

Elizabeth was on her way home to Switzerland.
At that time, she had two children soon after her second baby birth.
She was in an airplane.

When the flight attendants just got to start the service of delivering meals.
 Suddenly she felt something ominous.

She looked around, however, there was nothing wrong at a glance.
As same as usual, flight attendants were pushing  wagons and delivering meals for passengers.
Two businessmen beyond aisle were drinking alcohol and laughing loudly.

However, inside Elizabeth, something ominous became to too dangerous level.
So quickly she put down the dishes on the floor and fastened one of her child’s seatbelt, then immediately next, she held her baby in her chest very tightly.

Then, in a few seconds, the airplane fell down into an air pocket like a stone.
Inside the airplane became big fuss and mess, 
and many people were thrown away.

A lot of trays and luggages were also flew away.
Oxygen masks got outside as well.
Many people got injuries  and  burn by hot meals and water.

One of fright attendants had acute cut injury on her face.
Drunken passengers were heavily hit down to the aisle

However for Elizabeth and her children, nothing wrong happened and they did't have any injuries at that mess.

「臨死体験 立花隆(上)」より

Ochikubo Story