Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Oka Yoshie-san, passed away
the girl who received very first information of A-bombing, and made an announcement from military HQ 
(May 28th, 2017)

Hiroshima 広島 ヒロシマ ひろしま
広島城裏手から市街地を望む A view from Hiroshima Castle, 1945

Hiroshima Castle was once demolished, but rebuilt after the war,.

When A-bombed, Oka Yoshie-san was in the Control Center under Hiroshima Castle.

She was  the person who made the very first announcement,
“Whole Hiroshima City was devastated!”

She described later,
“Getting outside of the control room, whole Hiroshima city was extinguished and I could see Nino-shima far away.”

It was 800 meters away from the hypo center.

Oka Yoshie-san, herself, was in the concrete room, so she saved her life, but her friends training outside died.

She started to tell about her own story,  50 years after A-bombing.

Even suffering from deteriorating health condition, she had  continued to tell her story.

"The role of who was saved in that hell, is to tell the story instead of my friends who died, and to pray for their rest in peace."

That is what she wrote in her book which was published in 2016.

Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden   / Ave Maria

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Considering why 'Nuke Disaster' happened, 
throughout the long history of technologies.


America is the second Empire of the world history.
Rome is the first Empire.
And these two Empires have the same religious base flow at the bottom. 
That is Christianity.





Christianity reached Japanese islands because of the technologies of 'Sailing across the Oceans'. 
It is the same time, the ways of making 'teppo(鉄砲・guns)' were brought to Japanese islands.

It was about 500 years ago from now.


In those days, Shogun Hideyoshi met Christian missionaries several times, however his greed toward Power to control everything become  stronger gradually, then he become to be afraid of losing his power because of Christianity, then he prohibited Christianity and ordered Rikyu (a spiritual leader of Zen at that time) to kill himself, and invaded Korean Peninsula.


This makes me think like this, ‘Western ways of thinking’ was brought to Japan with Christianity and technologies of making guns and others. Those things changed ‘people’s ways of thinking’ drastically. Until then, Japanese people thought China and Korea located in their East were the places where  they learn the ways of thinking, civilization and technologies, but Western culture reached because of the technologies of Ocean Sailing. The direction, people looking at and respecting at, become opposite, suddenly, from East to West, because new technology looks always shining at first. Then they lost their balance of culture and ways of thinking. Hideyoshi had lost the bottom of his beliefs, so he prohibited Christianity  as religion and killed Spiritual Leader Rikyu. That made him, a dictator.

また、その同時期、500年前というと、やはりこれも当時の「大航海技術」により、コロンブスがアメリカ大陸に到着し('500 years ago' is approximately the same time when Columbus reached at American continent.) 、その後、続々とヨーロッパから移民が入植し、アメリカが国として建国された時期と並行している。

That time and later, was parallel to European people who believed in Christianity immigrated into American Continent and America as a nation was finally founded.



Condolences toward dead persons were strongly related to ‘religions’ everywhere, and I might think that comparing to Hiroshima center cenotaph, its shape has  ‘round’ image , Nagasaki cenotaphs images are reflecting what kind of religions Japan have gotten inside through its history from outsides. (6A.D. Buddhism, 16A.D. Christianity)







In America, very significant four persons started to consider and focused on "World without Nuclear Weapons."

From long history of technologies, it was 500 years later since Ocean Sailing technologies brought 'teppo鉄砲' and 'Christianity' to Japan, 
and  the same technology  made pilgrims in Europe go across the Oceans and built their own country as America.

Airplane Technologies was invented about 100 years ago.

The 'airplane technologies' expanded "War Size" much bigger, and then "wars"  become "the World War" scale.

ヒロシマ・ナガサキへの原爆投下は、航空機に核爆弾をつんで武器として使用した(1945年 約70年前)ということになる。
History of nuclear technologies is almost the same as airplane’s.
(because its  basement is on physics and mathematics)
Dr.Rontgen discovered the X-ray in 1895.
"Hiroshima and Nagasaki" was in 1945, 
about 70 years ago.(not so far distant past)







One of the four persons who started to say "World without Nuclear Weapons," Secretary William Perry says about the impression of defeated Japan in 1945,
 "What I saw in Tokyo and Okinawa, changed my view all together. About the glamour and glory of war."


As persons standing on the same ruins, as humankind, beyond allies or enemies, people can share the same feelings, imagination and co-passion because its devastated scene would bring same imagination that we are the same species which  go through same life and death.


一方で、安心の名のもとにさらに奥深い「最先端技術の闇」に置き去られていたのが「核兵器」よりも人々がさらに安心や信頼をおいていた「原発(Nuclear Power Plants)」である。


スリーマイル事故は1979年で、その事故の12日まえに映画・チャイナ・シンドローム(China Syndrome)が公開されている。


I can't help but think that 'Alarming Bell' started ringing for human beings as a  species that is about to extinct since Fukushima in the bottom of our unconsciousness.













In Japan, actually the culture of life and death and ways of thinking were quite different from Westerns’ and that of ours nowadays’ too.

Before Buddhism entering, people believed in “everything has life. Even one stone or one tiny pebble has soul in it. Plants, woods, grass, seeds, trees,…everything”

After having Buddhism Belief, even though things had been mixed up, and still now we have Bon Festival every year.
Many know that we think this means every year we welcome dead persons and dance together.

People in old days here, did not think life and death separate so clearly.
Even if a person die, soul will not, sometimes dead person’s soul stay various places or come inside myself.

But after having Western Style thinking ways, these cultures were faded away gradually, but still familiar somewhere in our hearts and minds.

During 20 century, it is no doubt that technologies advancement was marvelous.
But it was so shining and cutting edged that people become hubris like Hideyososhi become,or like Ms. Alexcievich says

If you think, for example, that all dead persons are still there and they are looking at you.....
They are related to ourselves.
Everything is connected.
If you notice, you will find out.

So, when you try to do something secrecy behind the scene, 
your ancestors, the Sun of God, and a lot of things are looking at what you are doing..... 

You may not and can not do so much inhumane things, so easily.

Einstein said, 
“Due to the advent of the nuclear bomb, everything has changed except the way of motive of thinking.”

So the next, we have to change the ways how we think about "our life and death".

Experiences of Deep Consciousness / To ponder the power of splitting of an atom
Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Survived for succeeding to tell stories

篠田 恵
Megumi Shinoda  (12 yrs. 2.8 km away from H.C.)

(中国新聞 201751日 「記憶を受け継ぐ」より)
























(Excerpt from ‘Children of Hiroshima’ edited 
by Dr. Arata Osada 長田新)

A lady, who was one of our neighbors, had come over to borrow
a stone mortar (石臼;a cooking tool for pasting food).

My mother was talking to her on the veranda.

I was in the living room, leaning against a post and folding papers for my three-year-old brother.

I had roasted some beans for my brother that morning, and he was eating them, one by one, out of a dish.

He went over to the lady, holding the dish of beans,
and said to her, ”Have some more beans…”

At that very moment, the bomb was dropped….

The paper sliding doors began to burn.
I thought, ‘Water!’ and ran to the kitchen.

That moment, I was knocked down by the ceiling boards, plaster, pictures and things that came falling down.

By the time I could get up, the fire had already been put out by the blast following the flash.

There were a few minutes of ominous silence.

“Megumi-chan!”  “Megumi-chan!”

I came to my senses at the sound of my mother’s voice and rushed into the air-raid shelter in the back garden.

My mother, brother, the lady in my neighbor, had been burned so badly on the right side of their bodies that the burns were blistered.

I was shocked and ran back into the house to get some medicine.

This was the first time I saw how badly the house had been damaged.

Though, our house was about 2 and half miles(4km) from the center of the explosion, almost nothing but the uprights were left of it.

There was a huge hole in the roof, all of the ceiling boards of the sitting room were gone, and the ones in the next room were snapped upward.

The sliding doors were blown down, and the plaster had come off the walls.

There were broken glass and plaster on the tatami floor.

The sewing machine, which had been in the hallway, was on its side in the middle of the sitting room.

Some bed quilts, which had been hanging out in the sun on one side of the house, had been blown through the two rooms to the kitchen.

My mother stopped me from going inside the house.

“A bomb fell here. It’s dangerous to go in.”

At the time, each of us believed that our house had received a direct hit.

But I wanted to treat my brother’s burns as soon as possible, so I went inside, moving cautiously, picking my way from the threshold. 

Fortunately, the medicine box was undamaged, and there was medicine for burns in it. 

Shortly after that, we heard loud voices from the street in front of the house, and we all went to see what was happening.
There were a lot of people gathered around the neighborhood air-raid shelter.

My neighbor’s house was on fire; about eighty percent of it had already burned down.

She was running frantically around her house, shouting, “Mother must still be inside!”

Once we calmed down a little, we started worrying about the people in our family who had gone out to work.

Two of my older sisters were working in a company far out in the suburbs of the city, and were sure to be all right, but my father was at the Clothing Depot, and my other elder sister was at the Credit Association in Sakan-cho.

Since she could get home from there in less than an hour, we knew that something must have happened.

Either she had been injured, or not allowed to leave, or …worse…
Fate chose the last.

The life of my 19-year-old sister and that of the Credit Association Building ended together.

About six-thirty, we got word that my eldest sister was all right, and my other sister got home around seven o’clock.
I asked the people coming by, on their way to a safe place, about the Credit Association Building and the Clothing Depot, but they had no time to be concerned about other people.
I could only pray for the safety of my father and sister.

My father got home about ten that evening.
I was so happy that I hugged him tight and cried.
It was all I could do to say, “Father, Sachiyo hasn’t….”
He must have known already.
There were tears running down his cheeks.

That night, we and the neighbors put straw mats on the ground around the air-raid shelter and lay down on them.

The stars were out and the sky was beautiful but we were not able to sleep because air-raid sirens kept going off.

The morning of the seventh came.
My head was heavy from lack of sleep.
My shoulder and thigh-hurt badly.
Something must have hit them when the house collapsed, but I didn’t say anything about it and went out with my father to look for Sachiyo.
Only a block from our house, everything had been burned down.
We could see the twisted girders of the Industrial Exhibition Hall and the Fukuya Department Store.

Here and there, electric power poles were still burning, and trees smoldering.
We walked through the heat, around electric wires and burned trees, and finally got to Yokogawa.

We thought that Sahiyo might have retuned to the main office.
We walked in, but I immediately staggered back, covering my eyes.
Was this the meaning of “hell on earth?”
There were burned bodies, eyes lifeless, all over the floor and on the counters.

My father walked among them shouting,
“Sachiyo! Where are you? Is Sachiyo Sera here?”

But we could not find her.

From Yokogawa we went on to the Tokaichi area.
There were many bodies on the ground that had been burned black.
There were the bodies of a soldier and his horse, and of a mother and her baby.
But we didn’t find any sign of Sachiyo.

We stopped and prayed in front of the Credit Association Building, where we thought perhaps Sahiyo had died.
The prayers we had said before, for “victory”, had brought us hell.

We learned that the juice of cucumbers was good for burns, but at the time cucumbers were very difficult to get.
The local doctors, whose homes and clinics had been destroyed, set up an emergency treatment center at the Ohshiba Primary School.
But, of course, none of them knew the best way to treat the bomb sickness, when its true nature was unknown.

Wherever he heard an airplane, my three-year-old brother would run out into the street, his arms and legs all in bandages, and shout, “Bring back my sister! Bring back my sister!”

There was no electricity for many days. When morning came, a newspaper with printing you could hardly read would be delivered.

Bodies were cremated every day, in the bamboo grove near the house, on the river bed, or in the corners of fields. It made a horrible smell, and sometimes even the white smoke would come around our house.

The burns of my cute little brother took a long time to get better.
But even so, he was just like any boy, wanting to go out and play with the other children on the sand-banks.

He took a long stick and poked holes in paper doors we had just patched.

Other times, he would make us laugh by taking piece of paper and copying what we were doing, and make gestures and sing something we could not understand.

The food situation got worse.
Often we had only pumpkin from morning to night.
Once my brother said, “Mummy, I hate pumpkin,” and refused to eat it, and my mother slowly turned away and wiped away her tears.

My brother’s burns finally got better, but he began to suffer from diarrhea from the beginning of September.
By that time, even we knew that diarrhea was one of the symptoms of radiation sickness, but they only treated him for dysentery at the clinic.
He kept getting worse.

It was terrible to see him suffer.

Typhoon hit our half-wrecked house.
Twice there were floods.
My brother, who had always been high-strung, was convinced that terrible things came out of the sky and began to be afraid of looking at the sky.

“The stars are beautiful, look at them,” I would say, but he would never look up.
Whenever there were typhoons, or flood waters came near, he would stay in my mother’s arms, trembling.

October came and it was cooler in the mornings and evenings, but my brother got worse.
He could not get out of bed after the tenth.
We went to the country to look for more nutritious food for him, but all we could find were a few eggs.

My little brother, who had cursed the airplanes that had taken the life of his loving sister, and who had feared even to look at the sky, died in my mother’s arms on October 22, without a chance to be treated by a doctor.

The neighbors cremated him on the river bed.
It was done simply and plainly.
Just a little bit of white smoke rose up….

The cold winter came, making people living in the galvanized iron make-shifts suffer.

The weather seemed even colder because of our empty stomachs.
Nevertheless, spring came again.

It had been said that for 75 years, nothing would grow on the ground that had been scorched, so when grass started coming up that spring, ever one’s spirits revived.

Stands selling rice soup overflowed with crowds of unemployed people from morning on.

The sound of hammering began to reverberate across the razed city.

Hiroshima 広島 ヒロシマ ひろしま 
Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden / Ave Maria