Monday, September 21, 2020

 Ave Maria

コロナ禍の新たな社会:New Society dur. & aft. Covid-19


Pay Attention to Others’ Sufferings 

直野章子Naono Akiko  /Survivor’s Works



Even being told,

“We are now in the worldwide emergency!”,

each individual’s ‘emergency’ is not always the same….






Even totally agree with,

"What necessary right now is to prevent from the expansion of disease infection caused by  the virus!”, although…,

with only a couple of  measures of ‘the public hygiene’ and ‘monetary policies’, 

for those who were living on the edges of ‘life or death’ before the Covid-19 crisis,

they are feeling scary if they might have to be cut and fall down to the “related deaths”… 



Not only “suicide”..,

But also “the deaths” due to being cut the relations of human societies, 

and to become slow down for sufferings from the loneliness….




Being told, “Stay home” is important for saving own and others’ lives, even though….

Forbidding from moving wherever want to in soft manners and in long terms, 

all of our humanistic mentality will deteriorate in many ways.



For those whose “home is the most dangerous places”,

it is especially true and their numbers are not few….

Almost stop breathing and curing up own bodies every day,

their mentalities are getting close to the line of “life or death”…





For some, to keep “Social Distance”, is just Matter of “complaining”…

But for others whose lives are supported by contacting and relating people other than family members outside…,

Even for them,

 ‘To keep “Social Distance”’ is "the matter" of “life or death”…



Women in domestic violence…


Children in abuse….


Homeless people..


Handy capped & Elderly people…



Until now, mainly civil volunteers or supporting groups have been taken care of them…


Actually public supports in those fields were far lagging behind, 

such groups have acted with all their efforts and might, however..., 

more expanding the virus & disease, 

less having their activities without any public supports….




For some, the directions to “Save own lives” might be,

For others, the means to take away the last fort that they can rely on….




For evading direct contacts, 

Various on-line and telephone supports have started, even though..., 

Remote working supports are quite different from real humanistic supports.



Through remote line, it is difficult to read the direct emotion or eye contacts, so that for even specialists, it is very difficult to imagine what kind of real sufferings are there in direct.



For noticing the reality of “sufferings”, even the human kinds need to share the “TOPOS()….




For those who are really necessary supports can’t always access to the

remote supports,

And the hurdle is actually high for them to ask supports spontaneously….


For those who can’t ask anything,

 Just only “somebody’s asking a word” might save their lives.



Suffocated anxieties and lonesome make our heart irritated….



But we should never put those things as the last fort, 

and should not turn our back against others sufferings to keep “Social Distance”….




When irritated to see a child playing at a park and make a call to school for telling your claim, why don't you, before doing so, just take a breath and have ‘imagination’.

“That park might be the last place for that child to run away….”



For some children whose home is not safe places, getting rid of the parks or their outsides, might mean getting rid of access ways for sending SOS sign to others….




In order to notice there are ‘Existances’ who can not ask ‘Help!’ in our modern societies, before starting Covid-19….

Let us have 'imagination',

"Who have been suffering from such sufferings & anxieties for long times…?"


And let us make different societies than before by our own hands.


In order to reduce the numbers of people as much as possible, 

who will die in vain in our future age.

Is there ‘value gap’ of “Matter of Lives”?  by Tomoshi Okuda  

Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden  / Ave Maria

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