Friday, September 25, 2020

One year commemoration of Mr.Nakamura’s passing away 


Is there ’value gap’ in “Matter of Lives”?


中国 2020925



Mr. Okuda(57), who is a leader of “Houboku”, an organization taking care of homeless people, and a priest of Christianity, had a lecture on September 24th.




He told and warned the audience that,

“Nowadays I was concerning about  serious situation of those who are suffering from lack of money for even everyday lives and it is true for handicapped people as well .”

“In our society now, there is a huge gap not only in monetary rewards but also in the value of ‘Matter of Lives’.”



Okuda’s main active field is in Kita Kyusyu.

And once he has worked to establish a facility for taking care of homeless people for living, standing up & backing up to join the ordinal society again.


At that time, from the neighbors, I have gotten some claims like,

"In the center of the town, to build a facility of which productivity is low or nothing is not appropriate....",Okuda said.




In October, 2019, when typhoon 19th attacked Japan, there were several cases of homeless people were rejected from using evacuation facilities.

“Like during typhoon attacking disaster, in such terrible circumstances for surviving, everyone should be treated in equally especially.

Even though, now in our culture at present, there are differences among people between ‘Lives that Matter’ & ‘Lives that not Matter’”, we found out at that time.” Okuda pointed out.



Okuda also talked about his significant & heart felt experience when he met a condemned criminal, who killed 45 handicapped (for slow learning) people in his welfare facility ‘Yamayuri En’ before that person's execution being carried out.


“That experience was so important for me,” 

said Okuda, and added,

“He, the person who was sentenced to death and talked to me, often used the word 

'for public benefits' many times."

He told me before his death that,

“People who has no value 'for public benefits’ are no value for living in the society.”



"Handy capped people has no meaning for the society as the public benefits.."


"Using tax money for them is wasting money for the society and for the public benefits..."




Okuda strongly asked himself and the audience that,

"Drawing a line between people, 

who are productive(matter, or good for the public benefits), 

and those who are not productive(not matter, or not good for the public benefits)..."

Is this kind of way of thinking expanding in our society?

Pay Attentions to Others’ Sufferings  / Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden 


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