Friday, January 26, 2018

Dreams from my Daughter, 2018

~September 25th, 2020~

When I was walking down the mountain slope where I often used when I was an elementary school student from in front of my old friend's house,
I met three(3) boys of terribly injured like burnt on their left legs one by one.
They looked third(3) graders, and wearing Showa-period clothes....

When I got close to the third(3) boy for taking care, I woke up.

~Spring in 2020~
I saw a thin bus in my dream, and its direction was bounded for  "9:25"...

~October 9th, 2019~

As a school excursion, I was traveling with my friends.
We went to Ko(孤・1dot)-to(島).
There was an Island(島).
And there were rivers(川)and bridges(橋).
The water in the rivers are all green...

Our travel guide explained that,
"The reason why the toilet water's color green is to express the esthetics sense  of our culture...."


~April 9, 2018~

An earthquake occurred in the early morning in Hiroshima, and its epicenter was Izumo(出雲).
After that earthquake, I fell in asleep.
Then in my dream,

母の胸に抱かれて by Marcestel
Marcestel’s like picture appeared, and that picture told me,
“I have deep and heavy thought…”
Then I was almost perished by his “thought…”

ref.Izumo(出雲) is the place of Japanese Gods and Goddess get together once every year in November.

~March 26th, 2018~

My mother gave me vinegar…
Saying it is good for your stomach…
I received the vinegar with my both hand….poured….

March 25th, 2018

Actually when I drink alcohol, I always have stomachache
But in today’s my dream, I could drink alcohol as much as I like,
And nothing happened to my stomach…..

March, 23, 2018~

A thin woman named Takeda-san is having a lecture.
My mother is taking note enthusiastically.
My mother turns to be a kind of black basketball player.
Then I got out of that place.

I met one of a shadow girl I really know about her.
I immediately leave that place.

I saw a  boy who is drying for a girl’s hair with dryer in a classroom

I got down the spiral stairs in miracle.

March 19th, 2018~

I have a little cute toy poodle.
He is very calm, and I tend his neck and throat.
So he seems to be feeling very good.
I gave him beef jerky.
That beef jerky is so tasty and very rich including various vegetables as well.
I sleep with that dog.
It get little and smaller…
And finally it becomes the patterns of my blanket.

March 18th, 2018=

One of my English Teachers from Taiwan come to my house,
But got to feel bad,
So she vomited,
My mother took care of her,
“Vomit here under my futon…”
And immediately my mother clean them by her hands.

She got feel very good, and said “Thank you so much!”

My Mother’s Dream on the same day, March 18, 2018

There is a paper bag with full of earth worms on the ground.

Those earth worms are getting fat and become like many snakes.

March 16th, 2018~

I am sitting in a library.
I meet friends long time no see.
I talk and chat with them,
Especially with the closest friend.

The purpose why I was in Library, is searching something.
A staff of the library talked to me.
And her talks are old stories.
And those old stories turn to become real visions for each in my dream.

In those visions,
There is an old man,
his work has already done, so he is living alone.
His body is old but his face is young.

Then young and beautiful lady comes close to him,
And she put her hand into his mouth.
Then her hand turns to be many snakes.

So many snakes overcome the man’s body.
After snakes overcome,
Both man and woman become very old and tired.

Man lies down.
Woman is standing and fit her clothes tightly.

March, 15th,2018~

I am in the living and kitchen in my mother’s side house.
My grandfather is looking for the best butter among various butters in the refrigerator.
Then he found out the best one made out of plants.

While I was singing loudly,
One of my three cousins comes close to me,
He is healthy suntanned and becomes a little bit fat.
And asked me,
“Was that your voice?”
I thought no bodies were listening, so I was really ashamed…..

March, 13th, 2018~

I was in my house with my friends(unknown).
My mother talked to all of us,
“We all have to get down the spiral stairs!”
We immediately get down the spiral stairs.

A very strange man talked to me.
His head is like Mushroom Yellow…
His face is very beautiful white.

And he asked me,
“Do you find out I am which side?
Shadows or Justice?”

Then I wake up.

Interpretation: those who have cutting aged finance skills and Roman Empire roots understood and start to follow…they never say justice is which side…..)

~January 1st, 2018~

I was with my close friend (girl) and Fujii-san.
Our teacher of art school gave us flower baskets.
I was given pink panzy flowers.
Suddenly a chicken with Mizubiki(水引き)belt, passed in front of us......

Chinese calendar (干支) : 2017=Chicken(鳥),  2018=Dog(犬)
Mizubiki(水引き):for cerebration red and white
                   for funeral = black and white

                   for wedding, graduation = beautiful colors

~January, 17th Wednesday, 2018 (New Moon)~

I am in a car with unknown out-law friends.
A young man on a steering wheel drives in very high speed on very steep spiral roads, so I almost throw up…

Then we arrived un-known room, and everyone is in the room (I don’t know).
We make a circle and everyone is eating and enjoying rice-cakes…together..

~January 18th, Thursday, 2018~

A thin man comes at my entrance of my house.
He asked my mother, “Can I sell futons of your family overseas?”
My mother answered, “If I say OK, futons never come back, right?”
A man: “It’s true..”
Mother: “So I can’t sell our futons..”
A man: “OK, I understood.”

Then the man entered my house and lied down on my father’s futon.
He slept very well in my father’s futon…
So I lied down next to him…and slept together….very calmly…

Then he gets up,
And he gets out of my house in very healthy condition, saying
“Thank you!  Bie-by!” in very light voice.

~January 26th, Friday 2018~

I am studying at an university(Un Known),
I was sitting next-to Tanaka-san(un known)..
The lecture was very boring..
so Tanaka-san and I get out of the lecture together..

We tried to go down stairs,
but suddenly stairs became very huge rocks..

It is very hard getting down…
but we challenged..
So we saw a sea.
We swum across the sea 300 meters..

Then we arrived an Island…

We saw many delicious dishes…
and far away we saw very beautiful palace..

However, there were guard-men,
and they tried to attack us..

But we can jump away milaculously ……

like frogs….

~Very Impressive Dream in Recent~

While I was walking with my friend in Jigozen( 地御前:a place very close to
several huge KIRIN(麒麟)Beer Cans fell down with big sound, and I was really surprised.

In my mother’s dream, Hitlers got crushed in Wagner’s music…..

Kirin(麒麟)is one of Chinese imaginal animals those have scales, means can live both in and out of sea.
Beer is one of alcoholic drinks from Western culture.
My friend Alex from England(Brighton) loves the bland beer of “Kirin(麒麟)Green Label”.

The cans are made out of very thin and light of aluminum.

~February 1st, 2018 (yesterday,it was blue full moon)~

They are talking and planning an event for my father’s side great grand-father who has an experience of interment camp in Siberia.
My great-grand father came back from Siberia
by learning Russian and surviving skill, and got fat...


Immediately after my great –grand father’s funeral in 2007, I saw him in his young days of his wearing  green war suits…, getting out of coffin .....


When my family members visited his grave in 2014 of the new year, he told my mother that “Be careful about Steve!”

My great grand-father passed away in December, 2007, and I was 10 years old at that time.

Last year(2017) was 10th commemoration year for his death, and when my family members and my relatives, especially with Nanaho-chan(10 year-old girl in 2017) in summer, visited his grave to pray for him in O-Bon(お盆), we saw a snake.....
(topos)Yamaguchi(山口)pref. Kudamatsu(下松)
Under the Rainbows

February 7th, Wednesday, 2018~

I was walking on a road along with the Sanyo(山陽)railway,
So, I followed him to start to walk.

Sojiro(宗次郎)is an ocarina musician, who makes his ocarinas all by himself out of soil..















厳島の歴史[History of Itsuku-shima(宮島Miyajima)]
'Itsukushimu' means ‘LOVE ’in Japanese


~March 5th,2018~
I saw a very big, flat toad, a giant cobra, a tortoise, and a scorpion.
They are romping about in our tatami room.

Before seeing them,
My close friend and I are having test.

The test title is
How to keep good living condition for our life.”
There are four text books.
While having test, our mothers are sitting behind us.

Question; these two persons' environment are quite opposite.
Give the answer “why” with your own words.

Person 1:who was cut by too systematic society and surviving in the woods.

Person2:who is surviving in the Antarctic Pole

While we are thinking, our teacher gets out of the room…

And suddenly those four creatures come into the room….
Toad, tortoise, scorpion and giant cobra….
and they move very violently so room become very messy….

We cried!
"Teacher!! Come Back!!"

Teacher comes back and the students become three,
my close friend with a little bit handicapped...adds...

Those four creatures were passed to each of us....

Mine was heavy toad, it is very flat and like sharky...and sticky...
Other two students were passed tortoise and giant cobra...

Suddenly the giant cobra move forward to the corner of the tatami room....
So the scorpion and the tortoise  immediately followed....
But toad is staying in the center.

And they continued to struggle.....

In April, 2016, Foreign Ministers come to Miyajima(宮島), 
it is very powerful TOPOS 
and that Island has Misen(弥山:space or universe).

And in front of the Miyajima’s Torii(鳥居), beyond Set Inland Sea(瀬戸内海)、

there is a shrine called Jigozenn(地御前).

Once there were two Toriis(鳥居) both for Miyajima(宮島)and Jigozen(地御前), face to face, and residents consciousness both of them were connected until Edo(江戸) era, but just before Meiji Restoration, a big typhoon has separated them.

However in our imagination, they are already connected very recently.

So I think we will and can start to make a circle(円・縁) from here.

~March 7h, 2018~

I am in an airplane.
All my friends are in that airplane, from kindergarten, elementary, junior and senior high school, and to close friends of my university.

And we arrived somewhere(unknown), and we all enjoyed very delicious foods together……

I borrowed a swim suits from Torii(鳥居)san.

2018March 11~
I was flying in very low ground around the neighborhood of the place where our family used to live.

And I got down the ground, and my family members and a teacher who gave me pink pansy flowers basket in new year are putting laggages into our car.

March, 13th, 2018~

I was in my house with my friends(unknown).
My mother talked to all of us,
“We all have to get down the spiral stairs!”
We immediately get down the spiral stairs.

A very strange man talked to me.
His head is like Mushroom Yellow…
His face is very beautiful white.

And he asked me,
“Do you find out I am which side?
Shadows or Justice?”

Then I wake up.

Interpretation: those who have cutting aged finance skills and Roman Empire roots understood and start to follow…they never say justice is which side…..)

March, 15th,2018~

I am in the living and kitchen in my mother’s side house.
My grandfather is looking for the best butter among various butters in the refrigerator.
Then he found out the best one made out of plants.

While I was singing loudly,
One of my three cousins comes close to me,
He is healthy suntanned and becomes a little bit fat.
And asked me,
“Was that your voice?”
I thought no bodies were listening, so I was really ashamed…..

March 16th, 2018~

I am sitting in a library.
I meet friends long time no see.
I talk and chat with them,
Especially with the closest friend.

The purpose why I was in Library, is searching something.
A staff of the library talked to me.
And her talks are old stories.
And those old stories turn to become real visions for each in my dream.

In those visions,
There is an old man,
his work has already done, so he is living alone.
His body is old but his face is young.

Then young and beautiful lady comes close to him,
And she put her hand into his mouth.
Then her hand turns to be many snakes.

So many snakes overcome the man’s body.
After snakes overcome,
Both man and woman become very old and tired.

Man lies down.
Woman is standing and fit her clothes tightly.

March 18th, 2018=

One of my English Teachers from Taiwan come to my house,
But got to feel bad,
So she vomited,
My mother took care of her,
“Vomit here under my futon…”
And immediately my mother clean them by her hands.

She got feel very good, and said “Thank you so much!”

My Mother’s Dream on the same day, March 18, 2018

There is a paper bag with full of earth worms on the ground.

Those earth worms are getting fat and become like many snakes.

March 19th, 2018~

I have a little cute toy poodle.
He is very calm, and I tend his neck and throat.
So he seems to be feeling very good.
I gave him beef jerky.
That beef jerky is so tasty and very rich including various vegetables as well.
I sleep with that dog.
It get little and smaller…
And finally it becomes the patterns of my blanket.

March, 23, 2018~

A thin woman named Takeda-san is having a lecture.
My mother is taking note enthusiastically.
My mother turns to be a kind of black basketball player.
Then I got out of that place.

I met one of a shadow girl I really know about her.
I immediately leave that place.

I saw a boy who is drying for a girl’s hair with dryer in a classroom

I got down the spiral stairs in miracle.

~March 26th, 2018~

My mother gave me vinegar…
Saying it is good for your stomach…
I received the vinegar with my both hand….poured….

March 25th, 2018

Actually when I drink alcohol, I always have stomachache
But in today’s my dream, I could drink alcohol as much as I like,
And nothing happened to my stomach…..

~April 9, 2018~

An earthquake occurred in the early morning in Hiroshima, and its epicenter was Izumo(出雲).
After that earthquake, I fell in asleep.
Then in my dream,

Marcestel’s like picture appeared, and that picture told me,
“I have deep and heavy thought…”
Then I was almost perished by his “thought…”

ref.Izumo(出雲) is the place of Japanese Gods and Goddess get together once every year in November.