Thursday, October 11, 2018

「喧嘩両成敗:No winners for any wars. Both sides have evils and the evils would continue

「第2次世界大戦the WWII」について、日本では「米国が沖縄Okinawa本土上陸、広島Hiroshima・長崎Nagasakiに原爆投下した自国の『対米戦争the loser side against US』」という認識usual recognitionが強いが、
1931年、「日本が中国declared against China に宣戦布告した『満州事変Manchuko-war』」、
1941年「日本が米国declared against USに宣戦布告した
 『真珠湾攻撃からの太平洋戦争the Pacific war』


One of hibakusha, Ueda Mitsuko-san told me that,
“I was named after Manchukuo-war in China. Because I was born in the same year of 1931. So I really understand that if we do evils to others, we receive evils from another direction. And evils are strongly continuing and related. So we all have to think “Any and all wars are always having evils in any cases, so that we have to stop doing evils whichever side we belong to.(喧嘩両成敗)”.

平和に必要な視点 What is necessary for 'peace' ?

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