Wednesday, August 1, 2018

ACA Board Chair on Pathways to a Nuclear Weapon Free World in Nagasaki


What is needed now is a multi-sided discussion on a topic that is easy to define and extremely difficult to resolve: how to guarantee the security of the world and of each nation without resort to nuclear deterrence.

This is a discussion that has to bring together not only the idealists and social activists who helped to bring about the TPNW but also the security experts and military leaders who have the responsibility of providing for their nation’s security.

It has to bring together not only nuclear-weapon states but those who are allies of nuclear-weapon states and those who feel themselves to be far from any military threat.

Given my own experience with the ineffectiveness of the United Nations as a place to discuss such difficult issues, I think it has to start smaller than a conference of 190 countries.

An Agenda for Disarmament by UN Secretary General(2018.5.24 link)

The UN Secretary General has laid out a comprehensive blue print on what needs to be done on disarmament issues to provide genuine security for our citizens, I love the document. I’d like to focus in particular on what he says about nuclear disarmament.

He calls on the United States and Russia to resolve INF compliance concerns, extend New START and pursue additional reductions.

He encourages all states to sign and ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, to negotiate a fissile material cutoff treaty, establish a zone free of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, pursue nuclear risk reduction measures, and develop nuclear disarmament verification standards and techniques.

He warned that the international community is moving backward on disarmament.

“Let us all work together to bring new urgency to achieve the universal goal of nuclear-weapon-free world,” he said while unveiling his agenda at the University of Geneva in Late May.

Joint Enterprise

Now is the time to convene a high-level summit approach to help overcome the impasse on nuclear disarmament.

Leaders from a core group of states can invite their counterparts- 20 to 30 heads of states of nuclear weapon and non-nuclear weapon countries – to join a one or two days summit on steps to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons.

This could be a starting point for ongoing regular disarmament discussions at the expert and ministerial level. 

As the former foreign minister Kishida argued, this dialogue must be based both on a clear understanding of the devastating impact of nuclear weapon use and an objective assessment of the security concerns of states.

This is not a new idea. Four of the best American thinkers on such issues - George Shultz, William Perry, Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn - have been arguing for several years for a Joint Enterprise, a new multilateral effort that would take concrete, practical steps to create the conditions that would make possible genuine nuclear disarmament.

As outlined by the four horsemen”, a Joint Enterprise summit would be supplemented by a joint communique from all participating states and national commitments to work towards disarmament.
この「4賢人たち」が描いているのは「ジョイント・エンタープライズ・サミット(Joint Enterprise Summit)と呼ばれており、すべての参加国家に国家的関与をもって「軍縮」へもっていく補助とするというものです。

Unfortunately, the leadership of such an effort will not come from either Washington or Moscow.

It’s up to Japan, to Germany, to Canada, to other nations that still believe in multilateralism to get this effort started.

The constant raising of this topic is the responsibility of Presidents and Prime Ministers, and it is the duty of citizens of all nations to remind their leaders of this responsibility.

In a well know Jewish text that, “You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it.”

Here in Nagasaki, we say again that all of us - elected leaders, civil society organizations, and ordinary citizens – “we will not desist from this duty.”

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