Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Make US-Japanese nuclear cooperation stable again:
End reprocessing

(Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June 27, 2018 )

US officials privately pressured Tokyo to reduce its vast plutonium holdings (some 45 tons – which translates to nearly 9,000 nuclear bombs’ worth)

The starting point in dealing with this massive plutonium stockpile:
Keep it from growing. That means Tokyo needs to freeze plans to open its large Rokkasho reprocessing plant, which can separate eight more tons of plutonium a year.


The situation today, though, is radically different.

The economic prospects of civilian nuclear power are now generally far less favorable than they were then; the rationale for plutonium-fueled breeder reactor, once widely believed to be the energy source of the future, has essentially evaporated.

If Japan shut down its Rokkasho reprocessing plant, it would now be freed from an outdated policy and would save a great deal of money.

The recent Korean summits emphasizing denuclearization and Secretary Pompeo’s recent stand against reprocessing in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are steps in the right direction.

They underline the importance of Japan ending its reprocessing.

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