Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Australian nuclear test survivor, Sue Coleman-Hazeldine took her story to the Vienna Conference
December 8, 2014 :2014128

“Enough.” Time for a ban. (movie)20210902 
Indigenous Australian nuclear test survivor, Sue Coleman-Haseldine, spoke to over 150 governments at the Third Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons in Vienna on 8–9 December 2014.
The Kokatha-Mula woman was about three years old when the British nuclear weapons tests took place at Maralinga in the remote West of South Australia.
Coleman-Haseldine told delegations from over 150 governments that the British and Australian governments chose to conduct the tests at Maralinga and Emu Fields because they didn’t believe that the land was valuable.
“There are lots of different Aboriginal groups in Australia. For all of us our land is the basis of our culture. It is our supermarket for our food, our pharmacy for our medicine, our school and our church
“These tests contaminated a huge area and everything in it but people hundreds of kilometers away were also impacted… I noticed people dying of cancer, something that was new to us,” Coleman-Haseldine told the conference.
While the British and Australian governments did not acknowledge Sue Coleman-Haseldine’s testimony at the conference, 44 states called for a prohibition of nuclear weapons due to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences.
The Pope also sent a statement that was delivered at the conference, which declared his position that a ban on nuclear weapons is both necessary and possible.
“I am convinced that the desire for peace and fraternity planted deep in the human heart will bear fruit in concrete ways to ensure that nuclear weapons are banned once and for all, to the benefit of our common home,” Pope Francis said.
The Australian Government continues to rely on the nuclear weapons of the United States in its security doctrine, despite half-hearted statements mentioning the ultimate goal of a nuclear weapons-free world.
 Prior to the Vienna conference, ICAN Australia wrote an open letter to the Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop on behalf of more than 30 peace, health, humanitarian, union, Aboriginal, student and environmental organizations in Australia.
The letter urged the Australian Government to support the commencement of negotiations for a treaty banning nuclear weapons, to commission research into the impact of a nuclear winter on agriculture in Australia, and to establish a defense posture that does not rely on US extended nuclear deterrence.
At the conclusion of the Vienna conference, the Austrian government delivered the “Austrian pledge” in which it committed to work to “fill the legal gap for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons” and pledged, “to cooperate with all stakeholders to achieve this goal”.
Vienna carried forward the momentum for negotiations to begin on a binding international instrument to outlaw and eliminate nuclear weapons and South Africa has said that it is considering its role in future meetings.
As Sue Coleman-Haseldine told the Vienna conference, “If you love your own children and care for the children of the world, you will find the courage to stand up and say “enough”.

Nuclear and the Humankind cannot Co-exist Nuclear Victims Forum  / 竜安寺石庭 Ryoan Temple Stones Garden  

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