Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Little Red Riding Hood(あかずきんちゃん)

A long time ago, there lived a sweet little girl who was thoughtful and kind and loved to visit her grandmother.

Her grandmother enjoyed the visits so much that she gave the little girl a special present.

She sewed the girl a wool cape with a hood.
It was the girl’s favorite color, a wonderful ”cherry red”.
The girl liked her cape so much that she wore it everywhere.

One day Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said,
“Your grandmother isn’t feeling well.”
“I’ll go visit her, “said Little Red Riding Hood.
“And I’ll take a picnic.”
Little Red Riding Hood packed a basket with her grandmother’s favorite foods and set off.

She met a wolf(an Evil).
“Hello,” said the wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood knew she shouldn’t talk to the wolf, but he seemed friendly.
“Hello”, she said.
“Where are you going this fine day, little girl?”
Asked the wolf.
“I am going to visit my grandmother,” said Little Red Riding Hood.
She isn’t feeling well, so I’m bringing her this picnic with her favorite foods.”
“Where does your grandmother live?”
“At the end of this path.”
A sly grin came over the wolf’s face.

“Look at all the flowers growing in the woods,”said the crafty wolf.
“Why don’t you pick some for your grandmother? Pretty flowers will make her feel even better.”
“Good idea!”, said Little Red Riding Hood.

When she turned to pick some flowers, the wolf ran straight to the grandmother’s house.

He tiptoed into the grandmother’s bedroom and found her asleep in bed.
Suddenly she woke up, but the wolf grabbed her, pushed into the closet, and locked the door.

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The wolf quickly put on a nightgown and a cap.
He hopped into bed and pulled the covers up to his hairy chin.

At that moment, Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the front door.
“Grandmother!”, she called.
“Come in, my dear, “said the wolf in a high voice.

Little Red Riding Hood went into the bedroom
She stared at her grandmother lying in bed.
Her grandmother looked very strange….

“Grandmother, what big ears you have!”
“The better to hear you with, my dear.”

“Grandmother, what big eyes you have!”
“The better to hear you with, my dear.”

“Grandmother, what big TEETH you have!”
“The better to see you with!”

Suddenly, the wolf sprang out of bed.
He tried to grab Little Red Riding Hood,

But she leaped away, light as a leaf in her” cherry red cape(Love)”.
The wolf grabbed the air instead!

With a yelp, the wolf tumbled out the window and rolled head over heels down the hill.
He was never seen again.

Little Red Riding Hood got her grandmother out of the closet and they hugged as tightly as they could.
Then Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother sat down and enjoyed their visit together.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

被爆樹木の種 寄贈へ
広島市 姉妹都市ホノルルに

中国新聞 2017104





